Reena - The Party

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P.S. Picture above is Reena :)

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"Hey, what's your name?"

I don't bother looking up to see who it is because from his slur speech I can already tell he's had far too many drinks and he'd forget my name the money the words part from my lips. Also, I'm already in a foul mood and I can just tell this person is going to make it worse. I really came here to get away from my mother and nothing else, worse to socialize with a bunch of people who I don't know.

After he senses my disinterest and leaves, another person sits beside me and the nightmare starts all over again. "Hey, mind if I ask you your name?"

This is the fourth person to ask me my name, even though I attend the same high school as almost everyone here, but that could be because they're drunk just like me. Honestly, I don't think I even know what time it is and that's cool because that's how I want it to be. Somehow it's helped me somehow in forgetting about the shitty day I just had.

As my head drops back and warm liquor washes down my throat, I don't stop until it's completely empty and my stomach is burning from the content. "Wow." I hear someone next to me say and I look over at him, he's holding a Corona bottle in his hand that's still full. When I look up to meet his face it's almost concealed by a peach cap, but I'm able to notice his grey eyes that remind me of a stormy sky. A familiar stormy sky.

My mind tries to think of something to say to him but instead headache slices across my forehead and I drop the empty bottle. I hold my head and grimace from the unexpected pain until it becomes dulls away. I can still hear the guy beside me talking but I can't hear what he's saying and the loud booming music is not helping either. I attempt to get up from the sofa but it's hard as my eyes are rolling about in my head and I can't really feel my legs. After about the fifth time of trying, I finally get up and almost fall but I can feel someone's hands gripping mine that are keeping me up.

I look around and I notice it's the guy that was with me on the sofa.

"You good?" he asks and I don't know where it comes from but instead of just nodding and moving out of his arms, I respond by shaking my head no then whisper tiredly, "Sleep."

His lips form an O and I watch as he slowly places his bottle on the coffee table and holds me with his other arm. "C'mon then."

He pulls me along with him and I have to say I'm a bit grateful because I know I would be on the floor by now. As we begin to climb the stairs there's a point where I want to stop and just sleep on the floor but my new friend won't allow me to and so he pulls me up. Being even more ungraceful than I usually am, I fall into his chest and I hear him chuckle. He places an arm around my neck, another under my knees and lifts me up. I don't have the strength to yell at him to put me down because I hate when anyone lifts me off the ground so I groan and I hear him shushing me, like a baby, telling me it's going to be okay.

We come to a white door and it opens. We enter, and then it closes. The low light in the room is greatly welcomed by my eyes and the pain in my head begins to slip away completely. The guy puts me to sit on the edge of the bed and when I almost fall off he catches me, I then begin to hiccup and he gives a short laugh. "Wut sho funny?" I manage to get out and he looks at me, like for a long time then shakes his head.

"Nothing." He stares at me for a long minute before he smiles, "It's just that you're kinda cute this way."

He crosses the room and takes off the cap before walking back over to where I'm siting in the bed and that's when my fuzzy brain is able to make out who it is, Reed Max. One of the popular guys at school who's the captain of the Lacrosse team. The guy almost every girl at school, including myself, has a crush on, and not just because of the popularity but because he seems genuinely nice. Hell, I've always liked him and when he stood up for me when there were rumour's circulating that I was promiscuous, I couldn't help but liking him more, and here I am with him, drunk and looking stupid.

My body immediately goes rigid then I jump from his arms. However, I land right on my ass then flat on my back. I groan from the pain and when he comes to help me up I push his hands away and try standing on my own. I refuse to embarrass myself any further.

When our eyes meet he's looking at me with a frown and I try to act like my face isn't scalding red.

"Uhm thanks."

He stares a little longer then nods and sits on the bed, while I just stand there like a statue.

"Aren't you, going to get back, to your party?" My throat hurts but it's like after I realized who I was with, my senses logged back on. If only my legs would cooperate then I could leave.

"Naah," he says. "All my friends went off to chill with someone, so it's just me."

"And?" I say finally deciding to sit on the bed because I can feel the headache resurfacing again and my legs feel tired. He gives me a small smile and continues,

"And what kinda party is it when you don't have any friends to hang with?"

A lame one, I say to myself. "But you have a lot of friends, the whole school loves you, and this is your house."

He looks over at me with a disappointed look on his face. "First, this is my parent's house, second, those people aren't really my friends. Thirdly, they don't love me, they love what I do, they're just fans who would drop me as quick as a flash if I ... I don't know, didn't perform so well."

"You think so?"

"I know so. People like people who win and are always winning," he says it with a tiredness that makes me think this is something that he thinks about a lot, something that he fears happening.

"Oh." I simply say because right now I don't think I can trust my mouth to stay filtered and I just might say the wrong thing.

He turns to me and my face burns again. "Why aren't you with your friends?"

That's an easy one. "Reed, we've been attending the same schools since forever. You and I both know I don't have any friends. The only friend I consider is myself."

He chuckles. "I see, seems like we're in the same boat."

"No," I say, "We're in two totally different boats. You have loyal friends that love you"

"Hmm" he says and scratches his head. "You're right." A sad look crossed his face, "I don't know why I said that."

We don't say anything for what feels like a minute before he turns to me and smiles, "Well, I did the gentleman thing and brought you to a room to sleep." He looks at the door and narrows his eyes, "Wouldn't want you falling asleep out there with all those wolves."

His words make my tummy tingle and my heartbeat quickens. "Are you a wolf?" The moment I ask the question I want to take it back but I can't. It already slipped out my mouth and now it's swirling around in the air.

His eyes turn to me and he stares for a long time and I suddenly realize that maybe I shouldn't be in here alone with a boy that warns me of 'wolves' when he could be the Alpha of the pack. It doesn't matter if I think he's nice because nice people do bad things as well. I swallow and stand on shaky legs and he stands too.

"If you know nothing about me, you know I'm not that."

What he says causes me to pause but I don't think and I don't move either. He does, and just when he's at the door to leave my mouth betrays me again. "Don't." He turns to look at me and I take a very deep breath. "Stay with me, just for a little while."

He nods and comes back over to the bed. He sits down and I follow. He leans back and I lie beside him. The first thing I notice is that he's warm; the second thing is that he smells really good.

"I think," I take a deep breath as it's suddenly hard for me to breathe. "I think I'm about to fall asleep."

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you."

At those words combined with the look in his eyes, my body relaxes and after some time I am able to drift away.


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