Reena - Summer

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School is officially over and it's summer. After I found out that I had been accepted into the same college as Reed with a full scholarship, graduation was on a whole other level. All of the stress that I had been feeling prior to that was gone and I could finally enjoy myself. Some of the guys on the basketball team even had an after party, and even though there was no alcohol involved, Reed and I had a great time.

Now, in the middle of summer, we both got jobs while Reed's mom keeps Claire, she's even agreed to keep her while we are in college. Something we didn't even have to ask, she brought it up. I couldn't appreciate her more, and I know Claire will be well-taken care of, even spoiled too, especially by her grandfather who already has begun to do just that. His cousins Lucas and Summer are also here and they spend a lot of time with Claire, so I know she's well taken care of.

As for my mother, she apologized for leaving and I've visited her since because even though she left me at the moment I needed her most, I'm still worried about her. I haven't seen Samual since she filed a report on him, and at least I can say that's an improvement. I'm a bit worried about her though because once I go off to college, I won't get to visit, but I've told my uncle to check upon her from time to time and he promised he would, and I know he will.

As the final day of work finally draws to an end, and I'm rearranging the books onto the shelves, I hear the bell ring and move to the counter to see Reed standing there. He always comes for me after leaving his job at the vet, where he's an assistant.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

"Gimme a sec," I reply, I take up the few remaining books and move to the shelves to reshelve them.

"How was work?" I ask, giving him a sly look.

He rolls his eyes and looks to the window outside. "Isla's father wasn't there today, so it was bearable."

I laugh a little. "I see."

"And how was your day? Read anything interesting?" I come around to the counter and take up three new books I bought at a discount to add to my library. Two are for school while the other is Morgan Rhodes - Immortal Reign, the sixth and final book in the Falling Kingdom series.

He reads the cover and hands me the book, not as geeked out as I am. "I don't know where you find the time."

"There's always time to read a good book."

He shakes his head and pulls me from around the counter, to him. "And when is my time?"

I move my hands up to his neck and give him a small smile. "I always have time for my favourite person."

He grins and holds my head up to steal a kiss. "I can't wait to call you Mrs Max," he says as we stop.

"You can always start now." He smiles.


"We'll get there, there's no rush. I'm not going anywhere."

"And neither am I."

Even though he smiles, I know it's not something he's particularly happy about. He would want us to get married right now if it was up to him, but for me, I want to get things in order first. Finish school, have our jobs and have a house, are just the beginning. All that matters right now is that I love him, I'm in love with him and I know he's going to be the one I get married to.

"Let's go home, I miss Claire."

After I finish closing up, we stop for ice cream and head home to our daughter.


I promise the next chapter will be better.

Oh, my first exam is Monday, wish me luck! Thanks again for reading!

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