Reed - Prom Night III

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The moment we step into the auditorium, we're greeted by thousands of flashing lights, and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust to it. There are balloons everywhere and every few seconds, some corner spews silver confetti into the air. When I look to where the Prom King and Queen seats are, I see the huge banner with the prom theme written boldly on it, "LIGHT UP THE NIGHT", which explains why there are so many lights.

The place is crammed and everyone seems to be having a good time, there are persons laughing, drinking and talking with their friends and dates. Sheldon is with the boys and of course his date, Leah. They both see us and head over.

"Reena!" Sheldon gives her a big hug then he turns to me and gives me a fist bump. "Hey man, I didn't think you were gonna show." He gives Reena a wink and I turn to look at her, she moves away to chat with Leah.

"Leah it's great to see you again." Leah hugs her and smiles, "I can say the same, I wanted to visit you, but exams would not allow it."

Reena nods and they break off into another discussion, I turn to Sheldon. "You guys official yet?"

He gives me a little frown, "We're just here as friends."

Seeing the look on his face, I understand and nod.

"Yeah. Remind me to introduce you to Mckenzie." He says and when I turn to look at him, he's got a wide grin on his face.

"Mckenzie?" I ask and he gives me a side look.

"Yes, Mckenzie." He starts looking around and points at an empty table, "We should get a table so we can sit together."

We move off to the table and sit, and a second doesn't pass before the team comes over with their dates.

Reggie is the first to speak, "Max, I know we had our differences but I'm going to miss playing with you."

The team nods and others start to talk, "Yeah man, it justs sucks that we didn't make it out the semi-finals."

Everyone drops their head and mumble about that too.

"Well, we did try. Last year we didn't make it out the quarter-finals, and Luke, you got MVP. We made a lot of progress, yes we didn't get the ultimate goal, but there are other positive things we can look at."

They lift their heads and look at me. Luke even smiles a little and some of the guys tap him on the shoulder. "Yeah, you're right."

Luke turns to Reena and she tenses up, "I know we never really spoke, but I just wanted to congratulate you on having our boy here's baby and getting engaged."

She blushes and swallows hard, "Oh, thanks, I guess."

They all turn to look at her and she drops her head and places her hand on he belly. I clear my throat and Sheldon talks, "So who wants to dance?"

Reena heads jerks up immediately and she turns to look at me, a beautiful smile on her face. I roll my eyes, move to stand and stretch out a hand, "Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

She bites her lips and slaps her hand into mine, "Let's."

I help her up and move to the dance floor, signaling the DJ to play something slow. He gets it and we start dancing.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far?" I ask and she nods,

"You know I am, just being here with you is making me happy."

I smile at that. "I'm sorry if you think I didn't want to come but I was just worried, I still am."

"I know Reed, and I don't blame you."

I pause a little, "You don't?"

She shakes her head and I resume at the normal pace, as she continues, "I would've been a little mad but I understand you just want me to be safe so I'd have to get over it."

I stop and give her an eyebrow-raising look, she laughs. "Yes, I'm being serious."

"I see."

She puts her head on my shoulder and I press my hand in the middle of her back and her shoulder. We stay like that for the entirety of the song then we return to the table, which by now is not crowded by my teammates. As soon as we sit, Leah and Sheldon get up and move to the dance floor as the DJ starts playing an alternative mix of Zedd, Chainsmokers, among others.

"I would ask you if you want something to drink but I can bet that everything is already spiked with alcohol."

She gives me a little giggle, "I'm fine anyways. You should get something to drink though, don't mind me."

"You're sure?"

"Yes. Now go, I'll be fine."

I stand, kiss her on the forehead and move to find where the drinks are. After a few seconds shuffling through the crowd and dodging bodies, I find it. It's at the back of the arena, near to the exit.

I get a cup and start filling it up, and that's when I notice Isla is staring at me. She's in a dark red dress and her hair is down to her waist in curls. She walks over.

"Reed." She takes up a cup and starts filling it up.

"Isla." I fill two more and move off, but not before she steps in front of me. "Isla, can we not."

She nods and takes a sip, "I'm not here to cause trouble, I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement, graduating and everything with Reena."

I give her a surprised look and she smiles, "I know after everything I've said and done, I know it's the last thing you'd expect, but I'm being honest."

"Well, thanka." She nods and looks at me, before stepping out the way. I walk past her and make my way back to Reena. She's not there, panic rises and threatens to choke me until I spot her frame next to Sheldon and Leah. She's dancing with them. I make my way over with the juice and hand them out.

When she turns to look at me, her eyes are bright and she's wearing a huge smile on her face. I smile and pull her towards me. "You didn't want to dance to any slow songs, that's fine."

I turn her around and start dancing, she laughs before she starts to move her waist. More people start to come onto the dance floor and the vibe starts to build. By the time the DJ changes the track, I'm sweating and feeling relaxed.

Reena turns to me with a smile on her face. She then opens her mouth to say something, but instead, her smile vanishes and is replaced with confusion. Her head drops down and her hands find under her belly, but it isn't until she lifts her feet that I notice that there's water pooled at her feet. She looks back up and her eyes are wide with fright. I open my mouth to say her name and that's when she staggers forward and I catch her in my arms. I can feel her shaking and as I kneel with her in my arms, that's when she grabs my hand, squeezing it, and makes a loud painful scream.




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