Reena - True Feelings

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Today Reed found out that the seventh of next month I'll officially almost be an adult. That is, I'll be seventeen. Already he's making a big deal out of it even though I wish he wouldn't; final exams begin in May and I have to be studying real hard and I haven't the time to be thinking about a birthday celebration.

"Oh, c'mon Reena." He says as we walk pass the many different faces into the school. "It'll be your first birthday with me, and our baby."

I sigh and repeat what I have been saying since he found out, "Max, I have to study."

He steps in front of me but when I don't, he walks backway. "No one is saying you should stop, but you must can find a few hours to celebrate."

I stop then and look at him, he's looking at me in a way that makes me wish we were alone so I could enjoy it even more. "Reed, who are we going to celebrate it with? I don't have any friends."

He gives me this hurt look and rests his hand over his heart, as if wounded. "I'm your friend, and so is Sheldon."

I roll my eyes and try not to smile. "Can't you two just wish me a happy birthday?"

"I don't think it can be that simple."

"And why not?"

"Because, " He moves closer and looks deep into my eyes, "I want us to celebrate it together. You're going to be my wife soon and the mother of my child. I want it to be special."

"Reed, every moment I'm with you is special, I really don't see how you can make that day any more special."

He arches a brow and gives me a wicked smile, "Bet?"

I laugh, "Fine. Just know that I don't like crowds."

His wicked smile turns to a grin, "That night you were at my party, there was a huge crowd." He pulls me into him and runs his hand along my neck and shoulder.

"I was drinking, so they were tolerable."

"Was I?" he asks and he moves his hand to my hair.

"Tolerable?" I ask and he nods. "You do know I was crushing on you for a while, way before that night?"

He stops and give me a surprised look, "You had a crush on me?"

I laugh at his expression and move off onwards to my class. "I swear you knew that."

Reed catches up to me and begins to interrogate me, "So why didn't you tell me?"

"You were in a relationship." I say but he continues.

"Yeah, but for more than six months I was single. Why didn't you tell me then?"

"C'mon, have you ever had a crush?" He looks at me and nod, "Then you must know how hard it is to talk to them much less tell them they're your crush."

"So, you liked me?"

"Yes Reed."

"What did you like about me?"

I stop and turn to look at him, "Since you must know, I've always admired how humble you were about being one of the popular kids. You weren't conceited or a bully and you didn't treat us regular folks like we were nobodies."

He gives me a small smile, "Continue."

I roll my eyes and walk off, "That's it."

"No, it isn't" He says beside me.

"So, you're not too bad on the eyes and you have a nice enough body." When I look at him he's smiling so wide his face looks like it hurts.

"Will you stop?"

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