Reena - Table Talk

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The food is ready and we make our way downstairs to the dinner table. There are persons already seated who are talking while others are standing around by themselves, watching me.

For that, I feel even more anxious than I did on the ride over and I curse myself for wearing the dress because everyone keeps looking at my tummy and not all the looks are pleasant. Some look at me with disgust while others look at me with hate. It's from the same three guys that Reed was talking to, the same three that don't like me because I'm black.

Trying to keep myself distracted, I turn my attention to the table, which is pretty long, very long actually, since there are fourteen seats on both sides. Reed pulls out a chair for me and I sit, muttering thanks. I rub my hands and look down at my lap until Summer sits beside me and starts talking about how this is the last day she'll be eating meat. She's decided to become a vegetarian because we'll she's watched enough PETA videos which have left profoundly left an indelible mark.

Lucan sits beside her and explains its cool what she's doing but he cannot see himself staying away from meat. "It's too good, plus I need the protein I can get." he slaps his chest, "I'm a growing boy."

Summer flips her hair and looks at me, rolling her eyes, "As I was saying Reena, I'm done eating meat after today."

Lucas and Reed laugh, "Yeah we'll see."

I laugh and look at Lucas, "She can do it if she wants to."

"Yeah I'm sure she can." he laughs and Summer turns on him, telling him off.

Reed laughs and I turn to look at him, "You don't understand babe, she does this every time. Every Christmas dinner she makes some resolution that doesn't last for a week." he comes closer, "You'll see."

Everyone goes quiet as Mrs Max and some other ladies come out with a barrage of food they all place in the centre of the table. There's a huge turkey, ham, bread rolls, mashed potatoes, potato salad, wine, pot roast, fruit salad, spaghetti and meatball, baked potatoes and mac and cheese.

The ham is placed right in front of me and I have to hold my breath, I grab Reeds hand, "What's wrong?"

"The ham." I say, trying my best to keep down the vomit.

He releases my hand and switches the ham with the fruit salad. "Better now?"

"Yes, thanks."

He nods and his mom invites everyone to sit. "Please everyone take a seat, apologies for the delay. Someone decided to eat all the boiled potatoes" she shoots a look at her husband who looks behind him, shrugs and sits, "So, Lucy had to run to the store." she makes a small smile and shakes her head.

"Now sit, please. Quickly, quickly."

Everyone begins shuffling into their seats and right in front of me, are the three boys. I try not to meet their stares or rather glares.

"Okay, let's pray."

I close my eyes and bow my head, listening to Mrs Max voice as she thanks God for seeing another Christmas with her family. She finishes quickly thereafter, "Now let's eat."

Everyone begins grabbing for this and that, I just take a bread roll and some of the fruit salad. The only thing I can eat and keep down nowadays.

I look to see Reed watching me and he's frowning. I smile, shrugging and take a bite of the bread and fruit salad.

Summer taps me on the shoulder, "Don't you want anything else?"

I shake my head, "Only thing I can keep in my stomach. Light, nothing heavy."

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