Reena - College Bound

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It's been a week since we've been home and it's been hectic with the baby, things could be a lot worse if not for Reed's mom because honestly she's a lifesaver and I for one, appreciate her very much.

Being a new mom is hard, really hard. My first few days, I was scared to hold Claire, she seemed so fragile and I just thought I'd do something wrong. I would get anxiety when she started crying because I couldn't tell what she wanted, and it made me feel as if I was going to panic. She's easier to handle in the nights when Reed is with me, I don't know why, but his presence seems to calm me and I feel more confident in what I'm doing.

On the other hand, while I'm a total wreck, Reed seems to have it all together. He just always knows what to do and well, they just click. He makes it seem easy and while I do get jealous at times how easily he gets her to stop crying to fall asleep, I am also grateful. At least one of us is good at parenting.

My mom, well she hasn't called or pretty much-done anything. Since that night in the hospital when I was about to have Claire, and she left, she's been m.i.a. Normally I would miss her, but I'm still disappointed and hurt that she left while something so important and life-changing was happening to me. She left when I needed her the most and I honestly don't think its something I can get over now, much less forget.

Right now, I'm sitting at the table eating breakfast watching Reed's mom with Claire, they're inseparable.

"Reena, I know it's none of my business but when are you going to open your letters?"

The letters she's referring to are from the colleges I applied to. I applied to five, and since the week I've received three. I opted to be notified via letter because well, I thought it would be cooler, plus I always liked in the movies where persons would tear open their letters and read that they've been accepted, it always seemed exciting. Right now, however, I am about to have a nervous breakdown.

I'm not worried that I might have been turned down, I'm beyond that, I am afraid that I might not have gotten a full scholarship because if I don't, then all my dreams and hard work would have been for nought and I can't deal with that right now. I need to go to college so I can get a good job so Claire will have a great life.

Right now, everything I do is for her.

"I want to, but..." I sigh I drop the toast onto the plate. "What if I don't get a full scholarship?"

"Reena, I know you must be terrified, but you won't know unless..." she nods to the letters lying right in front of me.

I stare at the letters, thinking about how she's right and that I should open them, but the side of me that is too scared to know what's in it, is telling me to wait.

"Let's wait until Reed is here, maybe he can rub off some good luck on me."

Reed already got a full sports scholarship, the college he's going to was one of my choices which makes me even more anxious. What if I can't go with him? Will it affect our relationship?

I look at my engagement ring, and a cold feeling settles in the pit of my gut.

"Reena." I look up and his mom is standing beside me, Claire isn't with her. "Stop worrying so much."

I nod at her and take a deep breath but my heart is still thrashing in my chest. I get up from the table and move to our bedroom. Claire is on her back, asleep in her crib. I sit on the bed and open my laptop.

There's a sound at the door and Reed comes in, there are three letters in his hand. He looks at me and looks down at them.

"You need to open them."

I look back at the laptop, close it and stand. The first one he hands to me is the same college he got accepted to. My anxiety shoots through the roof.

I look to him to say something but nothing comes out, and I look back down at it. I hand it back to him, "You open it."

He frowns, then starts to tear it open. When he removes the document, I sit on the bed. I don't know how long I sit there but it feels like years before I hear his voice, "You got in."

I look up at him, and he's staring down at me, a cheeky smile. "I told you, you would."

He pulls me up and engulfs me in a tight hug. "You got a full scholarship."

I squeeze him tighter until I let go and grab the letter from his hand, my hands are shaking and there are tears welling in my eyes as I read it.

A full scholarship.

I want to scream, when I look back to Reed, he's holding the other letters. I take them from him and toss them unto the bed, they don't matter.

"So you don't want to see what they had to say?"

I laugh a little, "I done got what I wanted to hear."

He gives me a warm smile and while we stand there, I utter the words that I've been dreaming of for four years.

"I'm going to college."


Sorry for the late update guys. This is my last semester of college and so far has turned out to be the most challenging. I've gotten most of the hard work out of the way and now I'm just studying for finals.

Anyways, I just want to tell you guys thanks again. It means a lot that you guys continue to read my work, you have no idea how much it means and I truly appreciate all of you!

Thanks again, and Happy Reading!

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