Reena - Birthday

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The minute I wake up, the first thing that catches my eye is the ring. It sits almost perfectly on my  finger and gives off this warm glow. I smile the more I look at it, remembering how Reed gave it to me last night as a birthday gift. I really hadn’t expected anything because he had asked what I would have liked and I told him nothing. I was happy enough as it was and nothing really came to mind anyways.

But the moment he woke me up and gave me that little box, I was speechless. It got worse when I opened it and he told me it was an heirloom, and how I deserved it just as much as anyone and even more so because I was carry his daughter.

Reed makes me so happy, it’s become so hard to think of my future and not see him in the picture. I pray the love I have for him now, only grows stronger.

“We’re gonna be late if you don’t get up now?” Reed voice booms from the bathroom and he steps out, in a low riding jeans that draws attention to his tight muscles.

He catches me looking and smiles, “We’re definitely going to be late if you keep looking at me like that.” Reed walks over and kisses me on the scarf tied round my head.

“Seriously, you have less than twenty minutes to get ready.”
I give him a smile and run my hands along his jawline, “Thank you.”

He catches my hand and kisses me there, “You are welcome.” Then he pulls me up from the warm bed and puts his hands on my belly. “I’ll be downstairs, there’s something I have to tell my mom.”

“Okay.” He kisses me then and leaves the room and I go into the bathroom to get ready for another day of school.

When I make my way downstairs, Reed is at the table with Sheldon. As soon as he sees me he shoots me a big grin and opens his arms. “Happy birthday!!”

I give him a bright smile and move in for the hug but I’m stopped by Reed’s mom who instead engulfs me into her arms. “Happy seventeen birthday Reena.”

I mutter a thank you and when she lets me go, I’m drop my face so she doesn’t notice the look of surprise on my face. “The breakfast will be complete in two.”

“How come I’m not getting a special breakfast? I’m a young growing man, I need to be fed.” Reed eyes stay lock on me while he says this.

She turns to look at him, “Well, for one you’re not pregnant and it isn’t your birthday.”

I move to Sheldon and he stands and gives me a big hug, repeating happy birthday. When I sit, Mrs. Max puts down a huge plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon alongside a bowl of strawberries and grapes, and pats me on the head. “Eat up Reena, or you’re going to be really late.”

“It’s her birthday, I’m sure they’ll give her a pass.”

Reed and I laugh at this and Sheldon stares, confused. “They haven’t let up even though she’s pregnant, you think they’ll care that it’s her birthday?”

He nods his head in agreement as he swipes a pancake from my plate. Reed does the same thing.

As I eat, I listen to both of them talking about the basketball season and who seems to be the teams to beat if they’re to have a shot at winning the title this season, and their last and final year of high school. Both really want to win because they think it would make them immortals.

“Can you imagine if we made it to the finals, and won? Man, my dad would be so proud.”

“Mine too.” Reed gets a slap at the back of his head and he scowls at his mom.

“Your father and I are already proud.” She points a long finger a Sheldon and narrows her eyes, “Your father is proud of you, more than you know it.”

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