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It's finally the moment I've been waiting for. After months of preparation, dieting, worrying and hoping this day would come, it's finally here, and from the look of the sky, I can tell it's going to be perfect.

It's early in the afternoon and even though there was a light shower of rain this morning, the water has dried up and warm air is filtering through the trees. We decided to get married near a lake because why not. At first, I wasn't entirely for the idea but when Reed brought me here, I fell in love immediately. The lake is beautiful, and the trees and flowers almost make it seem other-worldly.

If it was me I would have had the wedding right in Reed's parent's backyard but of course, Reed wanted it to be more special and so he chose somewhere he knew I'd love. This among a million other reasons is why I love him as much as I do, and yes, even though we have our arguments and disagreements about things, we always try to compromise and sometimes we don't because we think sometimes out each other first with an understanding that this is what a relationship is about.

I didn't want a big wedding, but he did because he has a big family and wanted to invite everyone that could attend. Reed is family-oriented, and I know how much it would mean to him, so I decided to go along with him because ultimately him being happy makes me happy.

Reed mom steps up behind me and I can feel her smile, "So, you decided what you're going to do?"

She's referring to me either taking her son's surname or hyphenating it.

"I'm going to hyphenate it," I say, and she doesn't say anything. "I just want to keep that part of me, and Reed doesn't mind."

"Well, I respect your decision because it's yours to make. Now turn around let me take a look at you."

I turn from the mirror and when she sees me she catches her breath and I smile.

"Reed is definitely going to cry."

She walks over and hugs me. "Thank you for everything," I whisper, and she lets me go and nods her head.

"Thank you for making my son happy and blessing us with a grand-daughter."

At that, Claire comes running into the room along with my friend Alex, who's also my co-worker and bridesmaid. Alex and I became quick friends at work and even though I was standoffish at first, she quickly won me over. She's been a mentor and is always there for me, so it wasn't hard to make her a part of my wedding.

Claire runs up to me and grins, "Mommy, you look pretty!" She throws up her hands and I stoop down to her, "Well, that makes two of us because you look absolutely stunning."

She smiles, and I tickle her side before she runs off to her grandmother.

Alex steps up to me and hugs me tightly, she's already crying. "You have no idea how stunning you look. I'm almost jealous of Reed."

Yes, Alex is gay and even though she was disappointed when I told her I was in love and engaged to a man, it didn't affect our friendship.

"Thanks, hun, where's Deja?"

"She's on her way and should be here any minute."

I give her a grin and she rolls her eyes, "Don't even start."

I ignore her. "Maybe this will be you and her sometime soon."

She smirks, "For now, let's focus on what is at hand which is to get you to the altar as you're already almost twenty minutes late."

I give her a small smile and she sighs and steps towards me, turning me around so I'm facing the mirror. She then pulls my veil back and we stare at our reflection.

"Reed loves you more than anything in this world and I know you do too. You deserve all of this okay, you deserve to be happy with the man of your dreams." My eyes tear up and she smiles, "He's waiting for you, so let's go."

She lets me go and hands me a handkerchief and I dab at my eyes.

"Okay," I say looking at Claire in her grandmother's arms. "Let's go."

Alex clasps her hands and rushes to the door with a grin on her face, ten seconds later she's back with Mr. Max. He stops when he sees me and takes a long deep breath. I spot Mrs. Max watching him intently and when a tear rolls down his eye, she looks at me and smirks. I smile.

"Come Claire, let's get your flower basket." They both leave the room and after Aleesia stops fussing over my hair, she leaves too.

With me and Mr Max alone, he steps closer and smiles.

"Reena, my son is a lucky man." I don't say anything and when he holds out his hand, I nervously place mine into his. And we move to the door.

On our way down, we stop for a second and when I look at him he's staring at me.

"Reena, you've always been so considerate."

I narrow my brows and he looks away. "You gave my grandchild my daughter's name and asked both me and your uncle to walk you down the isle. I just want to thank you because with my daughter now gone, I know I would never experience this and I must tell you it means a lot."

I give him a warm smile and squeeze his hands, "And thank you for accepting me into your family, for always being kind to me. You didn't have to, but you did anyways, and I'll always be grateful."

I kiss him on the cheek and he clears his throat.

"Plus, I know how much you'd love to."

He nods, and we continue.

As soon as we come around the bend the music starts, and I look up and see Reed staring at me. His eyes are unblinking, but there's something different about it that makes me feel more confident the longer I stare at them.

I finally see the flowers scattered all over the path leading to the altar and I see Sheldon holding Claire next to Reed, who stop staring at me. I bite my lip and take another long deep breath.

His father squeezes my hand and I release a shaky breath, I take a quick glimpse at him and he smiles at me and I nod. I notice my uncle and he seem proud almost and I as I pass we share a fleeting moment in remembering my mother, and how I wish she was here.

As I pass we finally make it up to the altar, Sheldon gives me a wink and I smile at him. Mr Max loosens his grip on my arm my uncle takes over. Him and Mr Max share a brief moment then my uncle turns to me and kisses me on my brow. "You really did well for yourself. I'm very proud of you."

I smile up at him and squeezes his hand. "Thanks for always being there."

He nods and we continue down the isle til we reach Reed . He holds out his and my uncle places my hand into his and I step up moving closer to him.

I notice his eyes are wet with tears when he leans his forehead on mine. "I love you." he whispers, and the ceremony starts.

" he whispers, and the ceremony starts

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I promise it'll be done soon. Thanks again and happy reading!

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