Reena - Insecurities II

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Reed and I had an argument last night because I didn't remember to wear my ring to work, and now he won't stop nagging me about it. I've always sensed this deep insecurity in him, and now it's more obvious than ever and it makes me wonder if he actually wants to marry me because it's love or because he's more afraid of losing me and this is his way of making sure I don't leave. I tried talking to him about it, but all he's concerned about is us getting married.

"Reed, we don't need to rush this."

"We, the only person that seems to be interested in getting married is me."

I'm folding our daughter's tiny clothes, while he's rocking her in his arms. Since holding her, he's calmed down, but he's still adamant on his point and nothing I say moves him.

"That's because I don't think we need to rush. Why can't we spend time and take this opportunity to understand and learn about each other more? We had sex once, while at a party and I ended up pregnant. There was so much going on in my life, with my mom and school -"

He cuts me off, and steps closer to me. "But we made it work." He's brushing Claire's hair, staring at her affectionately.

She's sleeping peacefully, her hand wrapped around her father's index finger. "Yes, we did." He looks up at me the same moment I do, and he smiles at me in a way that would make any woman want to marry him right away. The love that is reflected in his eyes, is nothing short of pure and true.

"I want to give you everything."

"I know."

"So why?"

"Reed, I honestly just forgot to wear the ring. It isn't because I'm having doubts.

"Okay, so why did you take it off in the first place then?"

I roll my eyes, and step around him. I say nothing.


I continue to fold the clothes as thoughts come rushing in, then when the truth bubbles up, I turn to him, my eyes wet with tears.

"I took it off because of what?" I stop as his face grows serious.

"I love you Reed, more than anything else and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He tenses, and before I can continue he turns around and places Claire in her crib, I sigh. He's getting ready to argue. "But?"

I sit on the bed, my hands folded on my lap. "Reed, do you love me?"


I shake my head, "Sometimes, I don't think you do."

He comes up to me, stands there for a long minute then sits beside me.

"That's what you're worried about?"

Fury courses through my veins and I get up. "I think you're doing all of this because they're important values for you. Marriage. If I hadn't come along you would have definitely proposed and married."

I turn to look at him.

"I proposed to you."

"Because it was the right thing to do."

"I don't understand what you want me to do?"

"That's it. I want to marry you knowing without a doubt that you truly love me. Right now, I'm not so sure Reed."

"There's nothing you can do about that, I think."

He arches a brow, and I step towards him. "It's just something I'll have to know when that time comes."

"I don't like that idea, that could take years Reena."

"Am I not worth waiting for?" I ask.

He doesn't answer.

"How do I know you love me?"

"You know."

He doesn't say anything, and I take it as a yes.

"So you doubt the love I have for you? Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

I narrow my eyes, "What are you getting at?"

"Just asking a question."

I move closer to him until we're so close I can feel his breath on my forehead. "You're the only guy I've ever loved, and will ever love."

I smile at him thinking my words will comfort him or even bring a smile to his face, but he just states hard at me, then he steps back.

"I'm going to see Sheldon." He tuns his back on me and walks to the door.


"Not right now Reena, please."

"You're mad at me?"

He doesn't say anything. I take that as a yes also.

"Don't leave." I say as he moves to the door, "Please."

He stands there for a second when he opens the door and leaves, closing it behind him.


When I hear the car start and drive off, I collapse onto the bed and take a deep breath, reminiscing about everything that has just happened. What I said I didn't mean to hurt him, I just wanted to be honest with him, that's all. I love him, I truly do but before I marry him, I want to make sure there are no doubts whatsoever. The only way I can ensure that, is with time. I just hope he can respect that because I only want what's best, for me and us.


Guys, please enjoy!!!!!

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