Reena - Somber News II

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When I see my uncle, I am excited because even though we aren't close, too me, he's family, and it's nice to see him. At first I'm taken back by how tired his eyes look but I soon dismiss it as him just being exhausted from his new nob, because last he told me it's a bigger hospital, which means more people to deal with.

I walk up to him and when he sees me with Claire his eyes brighten and he gives her a bright smile. I hand her to him and he takes her and just stares at her, after a few seconds she begins to get fussy so I step closer and she soon calms down.

As he looks at her, he looks at me, then he drops his head to the side, ""She's gorgeous Reena, just like you."

I smile, and add, "She has Reeds' eyes."

He turns her to him and looks at her face, then makes a quick glance at Reed, nodding. "She does indeed." He looks at her a bit longer and I sense the change in his mood, he's no longer smiling and the tired look has returned to his face.

Claire begins to get fussy once more and this time I take her from him and she stops as I begin playing with her. When I return my attention back to him, I see that he's tense and his hands are fists. I can definitely sense that something isn't right and I start to think maybe he's not only here to see me and the baby, so I ask him what's wrong. Reed comes close and takes Claire from me and I know he can also tell something is wrong.

"I wanted to tell you face to face, because I couldn't do it over the phone." He breathes a heavy sigh and looks away, "I never wanted to leave because something told me something like this would happen."

My mind rattles to figure out what he's going to say, and then my body goes rigid when the conclusion hits, it has to do something with my mother. I watch how his face and entire body looks and I know this isn't just bad, it must be something terrible.

I try to hold back the panic and the tears, "Something like what?" My voice breaks and the tears come to my eyes.

He rubs his forehead with his hand and when he looks back at me; his eyes are wet with unshed tears. I ignore it and try to focus on my breathing because everything inside of me is hoping he won't say what I'm dreading, what I have been dreading since I moved out and moved in with Reed.

He bites his lips, dropping his head and sighs, "Samual got released on bond a few days ago. I didn't know, because if I had known, I would've been here."

I register Samual's name, adding him to the picture and everything inside me begins to break because it cements my fears and confirms my suspicions.

I remind myself to breathe and take exhale deeply, I'm shaking now. "Please, just tell me."

My voice is but a whisper and I wonder if he heard me but before I can even repeat myself, he runs is hands down his face and I see the tears. My heart instantly completely shatters and I just want everything to just stop. He opens his mouth to speak and I wish I had the strength to cover my ears because I know what he's going to say and I do not want to hear.

"Samual killed your mom last night."

What he says doesn't register until Reed puts his hand on my shoulder, because before that I felt that I must have been in a dream, a really terrible dream, and instead of waking up and coming to a reality where I my mom is alive and well and my life is not in shambles, I am stuck in a real life nightmare.

"I'm so sorry Reena." When my uncle says those words, it really sinks in. I inhale a quick breathe and as feelings return to my legs, I sink to my knees in complete disbelief and horror.

I can see someone in kneeling in front of me, which I suspect is Reed, and while he's saying something, I cannot hear anything he's saying. I close my eyes for what seems like two seconds but when I open them I'm sitting in the couch and someone is holding my hand, I look down at it then up and I see that it's Reed.

"Reena, please say something." He looks worried and while I want to say something to dispel that feeling, I can't say anything. When I try to get my mouth to work, I can feel the trembling coming on and I am really trying not to cry because I just can't, not right now.

Reed puts his hands on my face and looks me in the dead in the eye, and then he hugs me, rubbing the back of my head. I tighten my hands into fists, and grind my teeth.

"Reena please, just say something, anything."

I don't.

When I turn my eyes to the corner of the room, I see my uncle, just standing there, with Reed's dad. He looks at me for that second I see the resemblance he shares with my mother. His broad nose and big eyes, and the way his mouth slants to the side. It's almost the exact thing. The thought of never seeing those features again, sends a sharp pain through my heart and I start to feel like I can't breathe.

His gaze falls, and breathing becomes less difficult.

"I need to leave." Reed looks at me and nods without saying anything. He holds my hands and pulls me up from the couch, and drags me to the door. When we get there, I pull my hands from his and he turns to look at me.

"Alone, please."

He looks at me and I can see he's fighting to say something but he doesn't.

"I'm just going for a walk."

He relaxes a bit, and then finally opens the door and I walk out.

"Call me if you want anything, please."

Without looking back, I nod and, walk to the pavement where I stand and just stare at the road, I want to turn and walk but my something is holding me back. I finally relax my fingers and take a shaky and long breath; a tear slips down my face as I sink to my knees.

Reed is right there holding me and as I struggle to breathe, I finally scream.

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