Reed - Double Date

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The restaurant we're heading to is one that my mom suggested. She says they aren't too fancy with their attire or food and it's never too crowded as it's a bit low-key. She loves it for all these reasons but mainly because of the setting, she claims it's relaxing.

The moment we step inside, I immediately agree with her on how relaxing it is. There's a lot of space, the tables are small but large enough for four which gives the feel that it's intimate and not somewhere for strangers. There's a lot of flowers and plants which give it an earthy smell like I'm in my backyard.

"Nice choice Max. You have some taste after all." Leah walks in and sits, followed my Sheldon.

"Yeah man." Sheldon is looking around, then his eyes go up to the glass roof. "How come I've never heard of this place?"

I look up to and notice the blue sky, "Maybe it just opened."

"I love it," Reena says, slowly taking her seat.

"Well, I hope I never come here during a lightning storm, I'd freak," Leah says and gives a nervous giggle.

"I agree babe. Totally." Sheldon holds her hands and she looks at it before looking up and giving him a smile.

It doesn't take long for a young boy yo come to the table to tell us what's on the menu. The food he says is a combination of Jamaican with Greece, everyone looks at him weirdly but he promises us it's good, great as a matter of fact.

"I swear on my father's name, who happens to be the chef, and he's the owner."

Leah is the first to speak, and she doesn't seem all the convinced to try it. "Oh. What do you guys think?"

"Well, we are already here and I've always wanted to try Jamaican." Sheldon shrugs and looks to me, and I look to Reena.

She spots me looking and sighs, "Hey, I'm just hungry."

"Okay, tell him we'll have the special."

"And can I get some ice please?" Reena asks and rubs her belly.

"Right away." He nods his head and takes off.

I turn to her, and she's already staring at me, "I thought you said no ice?"

"Ask your daughter that?" She mocks and I smile sheepishly.

While we wait and Reena crunches on her ice, Leah talks about her school and the differences and similarities shared by hers and ours. Same strict teachers, harsher penalties, different sports, more studying time, more of the same in-groups and out-groups but at her school, you're in the in-group based on how much money your parents have.

"But it's pretty much the same." She laments.

"Except you guys drive BMW's and Range Rovers." I say and she laughs before replying, "And that."

Reena smiles and clears her throat, "So what are you planning on studying at university?"

"I really haven't decided if I'm even going to university so soon after graduating high school. To be honest, I was thinking about backpacking it across Europe first." She shrugs, "Who knows."

"Well, are you at least planning on taking Sheldon with you then?" Reena asks while looking at Sheldon with a wicked grin. Hw winks at her then turns to look at Lena who is looking down at the table.

"We'll have to see what happens first." She looks up at him then and smiles.

Reena and Lean continue their discussion about the future and Sheldon and I talk about the games coming up, the coach had wanted us rested and so didn't use us for the first round. Now that we're facing more difficult competition, it won't take long for him to call on us.

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