Reed Max - Changes

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Being that February is the shortest month, it went by very quickly. Reena is now six months pregnant, and her belly is definitely showing, there's no question or doubt about it, or the fact that I'm the father. I'm always with her and when I'm not with her, I'm talking about her. All the guys on my team know she's mine and all the girls now I'm hers. I'm not trying to be lowkey about our relationship, or anything that's going on between us, because I know Reena likes to be reassured about my feelings for her and the best way I can express it so she knows, is to let everyone know.

There have also been some changes since the incident, Reena lives with me and my parents now. I didn't have to encourage her too much to come and stay with me, in fact, she brought it up the morning we were leaving the hospital, even though I had no intention of taking her back to that house. No part of me would ever allow that.

My dad and her mom agreed it would be best. I could see that Reena didn't really want to leave because I know she loves her mom and well, they've been together since she was a baby. So, I know that attachment is still there but she also understands she has a responsibility to herself and our unborn child. And I too have a responsibility to them both. Their safety is among my top priorities and I will do anything to make sure they're protected. Even if Reena isn't happy about it.

I've noticed too, since lately that Reena has not been sleeping as much, as she did in her previously. When I get up in the nights, she's up studying and doing homework. I have no idea where this new-found energy came from but I'm glad for it, she seems more relaxed because she's getting her school work completed on time. Her grades are still good and she's on course of getting her dreams of attending college on a full scholarship.

My grades aren't as great as hers, but my playing is still on point. The team has been good too, which only means that we are on track to getting to the semi-finals. That would be an improvement after our last two seasons of barely making it out of the quarter-final stage.

While I'm training with the guys, Reena is in the stands reading and watching me. Whenever I look up to see her, she's already watching me, a smile on her face. Having her here, watching me and being my favorite cheerleader, it pushes me to perform better. The other guys have their girls here too but Reena prefers to sit by herself, she likes it better that way and I won't argue.

Basketball isn't my favorite like lacrosse, but I give my one hundred percent none the less. As we take a time out, the coach comes over to me and looks over at Reena who's down in her notebook. "Max, I know this isn't any of my business but, I must commend you on how you're handling this."

"Coach?" I say, confused and he smiles.

"You're going to be a father."

I nod and smile, and he looks back at Reena again. "How far along is she? He looks back at me and I take a deep breath and stand.

"Six months sir."

"Six months? She'll be ready in time for your graduation."

I give a short laugh, "Yes, although she's hoping she'll give birth after."


"Yes, sir."

"Well, I like how she seems to have everything figured out. Is college in the works?"

"Definitely sir. She says it to me almost every day."

"Good, that's good." He looks at his watch and begins walking back over to the sidelines. "Break over in three."

Sheldon comes over to me and nods his head in the coach's direction. "What did he want?"

I shrug. "A coach to player talk."

Sheldon arches a brow at me, "Coach to player talk?"

I smile, "Yes, he commended me on becoming a father."

Simon, the best shooter on the team comes up beside me, "Coach did that?"

"Yes." I reply and they both look back at coach who blows the whistle that signals that our break is over.

"He must really like you, he's never commended anyone on anything except a good play." Sheldon says and Simon nods in agreement.

I nudge him with my shoulder as we make our way back onto the court, "You sound jealous Sheldon. You should tell him about your girlfriend that attends a private institution."

Simon gives him a surprised look and he grins, "That could work but I don't see how that can beat you becoming a father."

I laugh and Simon laughs too. "Yeah, you're right. That's pretty hard to beat."

Coach blows the second whistle and throws the ball, and training continues.

After training, I take a quick shower and come back to get Reena who is still doing assignments. When she sees me, she starts throwing everything in her backpack and makes to stand, but her round belly makes it a bit troublesome and I move quickly to assist her.

"Thanks." She smiles as I pull her up, and she holds her belly protectively.

"No biggie," I respond and move my hand to her back for support. "You want to grab something to eat before we head home?"

That's also another thing that I noticed, she's been eating and keeping down her food more, but she keeps feeling chest pains, which the doctor said we should keep a close eye on.

"We both know your mom is cooking something right now."

"I know, I just thought you'd probably want ice-cream."

"Sweets before dinner? You really want us in trouble, don't you?"

I laugh, "It's just a little treat."

"A treat?"

"Yes, you've been exceptionally good in the past few weeks."

This time she laughs, "I am getting a treat for good behavior?"

I nod, and she rubs her belly. "You're a bit late don't you think? I have been a good girl since we met."

I give her a sly look and she smiles and rolls her eyes, "Okay, I've been a good girl since you got me pregnant."

"Well, better late than never, don't you think?"

She rolls her eyes again. "You're just happy I'm sleeping at your house now."

"That's true."

"I pray your daughter isn't stuck on having her own way like you."

I laugh and step in front of her, throwing my arms around her shoulders and pulling her in for a kiss. "No, she'll be stuck on having her own way like her mother."

She chuckles, "Always trying to win."

"I never lose."

I open my eyes then and notice she's looking intensely at me. "I love you." A wide grin spreads across her face, and I know for a fact she's up to something.

"I love you too."

"I know."

We move to the car and get in.

"I still want my treat by the way."

She gives me a look that causes me to raise a very curious brow, and she grabs my shirt and pulls me to her. She runs her hand along my jaw and then begins kissing me. And that's another thing I've noticed as well, her hormones are in high gear and she's insatiable now more than ever.


Happy Reading as usual guys!

Thanks for the continued support, it truly and honestly means so much! Thanks for the thousandth time.

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