Reena - We're Okay

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I wake up in bed after spending two days in the hospital. The first twenty-four hours were to test if the baby was okay and the other twenty-four was just to keep an eye on me, my uncle would not let me leave without him being absolutely sure that I was in great health.

After I had woken up, Reed Max was there, looking at me much differently than he usually does, and when his eyes went to my stomach I just knew he knew, but he said nothing. He just stood there, rather awkwardly and stared at me until he left. I had wanted to say something but just couldn't find the nerve to, and after he left I wished he had brought it up because it would have been much easier.

Moving from the bed, I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower, but not before taking a long look at my refection in the mirror. Even now the spots on my skin are present and even though they are unsightly, they look better than they did the days before. I'm sure by tomorrow they will have completely cleared up. Sighing, I strip my clothes, frowning at the other spots from my chest down to my legs, and step into the shower.

Rummaging through the refrigerator, I sigh as I don't see one thing I'm want to eat and I'm too sluggish to make anything, so I close the door, I move to the stairs to go back to my room when I hear a knock on the door. First, I look at my stomach noting that it isn't really showing, then make my way to the door.

When I open it, I see Sheldon and his eyes drop to my small round stomach and widen.


I blush and pull at my shirt, folding my arms under my breast.

"Reed's right." He looks up at me, "But you haven't told him?"

I shake my head, "No. Plus What's the sense, he already knows, so..."

"Yes but he's thinking that the reason why you haven't told him..." He scratches the back of this head and clears his throat. "is because it might not be his."

I immediately straighten, "You're serious?"

He nods and exhales. "You need to tell him."

I look to the floor. "I know. I just didn't know how to."

He places a hand on shoulder and I look up, "Reena, he's not like that."

I redden. "I..."

"I know you're worried he's gonna act, I don't know, differently?"

I don't answer but the look on my face must read yes. "He sent you to talk to me didn't he?"

"Not really. He's just not been able to stop talking about you and well, I thought I'd see what's up with you. He wanted to come, but he thinks that you need some time and space."

"And what do you think, I need?"

"You need Reed." I bite my bottom lip, "You both need each other, especially now." He looks back at my stomach again and I rub my hands over my arms.

"Hmm... You wanna tell him now?"

"No." I say too quickly, "Monday perhaps."

"You coming to school, he'll pick you up."

"I'll take the bus."

"No offense Reena, but you're pregnant now and after what happened a couple of days ago, I don't think you're going to convince him not to be fussy about you. Hell, you can't even convince me."

A tear slips down my face and the stubborn look on his face falls away, "Hey," he says gently, "I don't mean to pressure you. I just want to make sure you're okay."

I wipe at my face and smile. "I know." I sniffle, "It's just happening too fast, I feel like I don't have a choice anymore about anything."

"You want me to pick you up?"

I take a quick breath and look at him, "And if I say no?"

He still smiles, "I still would."

"Guess it can't be helped then."


He moves to leave, "Sheldon," he turns and looks at me, "thank you."

He nods, smiling and leaves.


Thanks for reading!!!!

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