Reena - Mood Swings

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Today is Saturday and I'm spending it at home, cleaning. And even though it's much harder to because I can hardly bend without feeling pain in my back, I'm still trying because I cannot stand to see the place so filthy. My mom has been out for the last few weeks, she tells me she's looking for a job because yes, she lost the only one she had due to always being either late or absent. But that's what she says because almost every time when she does come in, it's in the mornings and she stinks of alcohol.

I don't know where she's getting money to drink and whenever I ask her, she tells me to go away. I'm worried for her but there isn't much I can do, especially in my condition. I already have too much going on at school and my body is lagging behind. I always want to sleep or I'm always tired.

My uncle is trying to get her help also, but she refuses. He takes care of me though, paying the bills, making sure there's always food here and gives me money to buy new clothes, although Reed and his family have that part taken care of. I thank him every time but I know what he really wants, he wants me to move in with him, but I can't, not with my mom like this. I don't trust her being all alone here and so I need to be here with her.

As it draws to noon and I begin packing away the things, I hear a knock on the door. I move to the stairs and gingery make my way down, when I open the door I notice it's Sheldon and Reed.

"Were you cleaning?" Sheldon asks, taking in the gloves on my hands.

"Yeah, I'm finished now anyways."

I move from the door and they follow in behind me. "Reena, you know you shouldn't be doing any work." Reed looks at my messy hair and sweaty face and sighs.

"I don't like a dirty house."

"I know, but remember you're pregnant." He carries on, looking at my belly.

Sheldon looks at him. Brows raised. "Uhmm Max,"

"Don't you think I know that?!" I say angrily and they both flick their eyes up to mine. "Every day I'm reminded by the mere fact. When I'm looking in the mirror, getting dressed, sitting down, standing up, everything. I don't need you―" I stop as pain rips across my chest and brings me to my knees.

"Reena!" Sheldon says, kneeling beside me.

"Baby, are you okay?" Reed says, holding my body.

I don't say anything, I just try to take deep breaths, wishing the pain away. When it does leave, I relax a little and speak, "I'm fine. Sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"Are you sure, we could take you to the hospital." Sheldon persists and so I straighten and stand. "I'm fine. I'm just tired and a bit stressed."

"Okay." Reed says and runs his thumb across my forehead. "I'm taking you out for lunch."

"Yeah." I look to Sheldon who has a wide grin on his face, "We're going on a double-date."

"You?" I say smiling as he nods proudly. "What's her name?"

"Oh no, you don't know her. She doesn't attend our school."

"Ohm. Okay. Let me go get ready then."

"Let me help." I smile at Reed and move to the stairs.

"I guess I'll stay down here and watch TV."

"You do that," I say moving up the stairs with Reed behind me, "Oh," I say stopping, "There are snacks in the cupboard and juice in the fridge. No, there isn't anything with alcohol."

"No problem with that," He responds as he moves into the kitchen, "I don't drink anymore."

I smile at him and continue my way up the stairs and into my room.

As Reed closes the door behind me, I begin taking off my clothes, but stop when I notice he's looking at me. "You know I don't want you seeing me like this."

He rolls his eyes and comes over to stand in front of me, "And again I'll say this, you're carrying my child and I think you look beautiful."


He places his hands on my cheeks and brings my face close to his, "Reena. You are pregnant with my daughter, yes, you're going to gain some weight because that's what happens. Now, I'd appreciate it if you stopped thinking down of your body while it went through this period. Okay?"

Taking a deep sigh, I smile. "Okay."

He removes his hands and pts them on my shirt where he pulls it off. When his eyes land on my round belly, he smiles and places his hands there. "Thank you."

"You want to talk to her?"

He looks me in the eye, smiles and goes down on his knees. "Hey, this is your Dad speaking." I smile and shake my head, "I hope you're comfortably in there and not giving mommy any trouble." He rests his forehead for a bit while he whispers, "I cannot wait to see you. I hope you know how much we love you."

He gives me a teary-eyed look and then begins to remove my shorts. "Reed."

He ignores me as he continues removing my clothes until I'm stark naked, then he stands up, move back and stares at me. "You look so beautiful."

I look down at my belly and place my hand there, then he walks over and hugs me. "I love you both so much."

"We love you too."

He kisses me and squeezes my ass. "I guess not all the weight is going to your thighs."

I laugh and place my hands around his neck. "I guess not."

He stares at me before he begins removing his own clothes.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he stands naked before me.

"Joining you in the shower."

Before I can make any protests, he pulls me into the bathroom. He steps into the shower first and then pulls me in. When he turns on the shower, the water hits him and he begins kissing me. He turns me around and the water sprays against my hair and my back.

"I want you." I say and he stops, "You sure I won't hurt the baby?"

To answer him I turn around and lean forward. "Please."

He sweeps the hair from my back and moves closer to me, then he holds my belly and slides in.

"Oh, God Reena."

As he moves, holding me and caressing me with his words, I can't help but think that this moment couldn't be any more perfect.


VOOTTEEEE!!!!!! And tell me what you think! Leave a comment, please!!

And as always HAPPY READING!!!

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