Reed Max - Son to Father

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When I put Reena down on the bed and cover her up, I sit there for quite some time staring at her and I try to imagine the world without her and the feeling that rises in my chest is so painful that tears come to my eyes. It's a feeling that I've only felt once and that's when my sister died.

My parents had Claire three years before me. She was the jewel of our family, with her bubbly and caring personality, absolutely everyone loved her. Especially me. She was everything to me, she looked out for me in so many ways that any big sister would. She helped me with homework, sports just everything. She had my best intentions at heart and there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for me. Her dream was to be a veterinarian because she loved animals so much. In her room, she had up animal posters and even had sheet spreads that had turtles, horses and even ostriches on them. 

Right when she was in her first year of college, she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. At the time, I had no idea just how devastating it was. It was only after she came home after ten months of being diagnosed and undergoing treatment that it hit me because it was then that I realized she had come home to die. 

It was a hard time for my parents, they argued a lot but when she came it stopped. And when she died three weeks later, they turned strangers. I feared they were going to get a divorce until the night my Dad came into my room and found me crying, and when I explained to him about how I felt he went for my mom and they both sat with me and promised me they weren't separating.

The night after that, they managed to act civilized until they began acting like they use to. A year later, they renewed their vows and have been happy since. They still miss Claire, we all do, but we're living with her memory in our heart.

 After I look at Reena one more time, I kiss her on her forehead and head downstairs to seek out my father. What's been on my mind is huge and I need to talk to him. I could tell Mom but that will come afterward, this is definitely something I need to talk to him about. It has always been easier to talk to him about everything, he's always been a better listener than mom.

After not seeing him in the kitchen or watching tv, I head to the backyard where I see him ending to roses and tulips my mom planted.

"Hey Dad," I say as I walk up behind him.

He lifts his head and gives me a little smile, "Max, back so soon? Your mom left for the grocery store, she'll be back soon." He turns back to the flowers and starts watering, "Food is in the oven if you're hungry."

"Yeah, thanks." I clear my throat and stand there awkwardly until he notices and turns back around.

"Max, something on your mind?" He takes off one glove and sweeps his hair back.

"Uhm," I don't know what ti say at this point, so I start pacing back and fro, scratching my head. "Well, it's about Reena."

He smiles and relaxes, a little. "When isn't it ever nowadays?"

When I take a deep breath and look at him, he arches his brow and tenses, "She's okay right?"

"Oh yeah. She's upstairs sleeping."

"Okay." He relaxes and looks at me, "Well, what is it then?"

"I know this is sudden and I know you're gonna say I'm too young and I don't know what I'm getting myself into but, I want to marry Reena."

Dad stops dead and gives me a surprised look, "Well I hope so. She is carrying your child after all."

"Yeah, dad I know. But I'm thinking..." I stop when he folds his arm across his chest and gives me a serious look.

"You're talking about getting married to her now?"

"Well not exactly now."

He nods his head and exhales, "You want to propose, make her your fiancee?"

"Well yes." I avoid looking at my Dad and stare down at the grass instead.


At that, I look up at him confused. "Why?"

"Yes," he says, "Why?"

"Well," I stop as I think about what she means to me. Of how the last few months have been the happiest I've ever felt and not to mention that she's carrying my daughter.

"I'm in love with her dad, and it's not just that. I want her to be my wife, to be apart of my life now and forever. And well, I want her to know my intentions. I want her to know how much she means to me."

"And you are sure about this? Because this isn't something you can just walk away from at the first sign of an argument. This is much much more serious."

"Dad. I know."

He takes off the other glove and stares at me before turning around, "You see these flowers, they're your mother's.:

"I know that."

"She loves flowers, always has since I met her in college." He bends down and takes up the watering can, "Let me tell you something Max, you see these flowers, your mom has never fertilized or watered them. Heck, she only comes around her, sees that they're flourishing and goes about her day. If it was up to her, these flowers wouldn't be here today."

He turns around and stares, "Do you understand what I'm saying."

I open my mouth to answer but shake my head no.

"Since I married your mom, I've always done the little things to make her happy. I know she loves plants, especially flowers so I planted them for her. But son, she doesn't know how to care for them and she doesn't make time. I could've just let them die and just buy her flowers at the shop instead, but you see, I would never get that same smile like the one I get when I give her freshly cut flowers fro our own backyard."

"So you do this to make her happy?"

"I live to make her happy. It's become a part of me and I wouldn't have it any other way. Your mother, she means the world to me."

I nod and he smiles.

"Do you get what I'm saying now? Marriage son, you're happiness comes second to that of your wife's. And it should be something you do by instinct, unconsciously."

"That's the thing, Dad. All of what you're telling me, that's how I feel about Reena. I just want to make her happy, every day."

My father remains silent for the remainder of the time until he steps closer to me and grabs my shoulder, "If that's how you feel then, you have my complete blessing."

I smile at him and he nods. "Now it's just to tell your mother." He removes his hands and walks to the shed where he starts putting away the gardening tools.

"She's going to blow it out of proportions Dad."

"I know."

He turns to look me over his shoulder with a wink, "We just have to do it a the right time."

"When she's happy." I say and he replies with a smile,

"Yes, when she's happy."



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