Reena - Cycle

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When Reed drops me home, he walks me to the door and I kiss him goodbye. He looks at me for a long time before leaving and I can tell he doesn't want to. He's been like this since Christmas after he found me on that gurney, cold, tired and hurt.

We never really spoke about that happened that day and really, I don't want to ever talk about it. I always knew that people were out there that didn't like me, it wasn't much of a big deal to me, but that day when they said those things to me, I felt lower than dirt and it hurt me so much. I wanted to cry and worse, I wanted to disappear from the world.

Growing up, it was hard at times. I was mocked because of my hair, about how it wasn't straight and flat and how it was unkept and untidy. Due to that, I hated it. I could not stand my hair and always had it flat-ironed. It took me until I was in my third year of high school to truly appreciate my true beauty. To appreciate who I am.

It was at this stage, that the bad remarks about who I am, no longer bugged me as much. Finding self-love was the best thing for me. I learned to enjoy my company more and worry about making friends less, the same friends who didn't really care much for me. I had reached a place where I was so happy and in love with myself. And I loved it. But that doesn't mean I still don't feel sad or angry when persons direct hateful words at me, especially with regards to my race.

"Hey," Reed holds up my face and stares into my eyes, wearing a worried expression. "you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I try to hide the emotions, but nothing gets pass Reed nowadays.

"Want to talk about it?" His hand moves down to my shoulder and he pulls me in.

"No, I can't." I sigh and look into his eyes, "I'm fine though."

I don't know how or why, but he drops it. I think he can sense my tiredness and knows I'll only end up being rude and miserable.

"Call me tomorrow, okay?" He says and I nod, "Bye."

"Bye." I reply and move to go inside, but stop and turn to him, "I love you." I throw in a little smile and he winks at me, "I love you too."

As I close the door behind me, I stop and watch as he goes down to his car, gets in and slowly drives away. Immediately as he leaves, a part of me misses him. I bite my lip, rub my belly and make my way to the kitchen where I take the strawberry ice cream from the freezer and make my way to the couch where I turn on the television just in time to see Woody trying to remove a rocket from Buzz. Eventually I doze off and when I wake up the credits are rolling. I take the remaining ice cream back to the fridge and make my way to my room.

As I pass my mom's room I see that the door is open and I push my way in. What I see at first it stumps me and I have to take a few long seconds to register what I'm seeing, but when it finally registers, I lose control.

Samual is lying in the bed, right next to my mother.

"Mom!" I scream and they both jump, she flies from the bed and comes up to me, wearing only a bra and an underwear.

"No!" I stare at her shocked and my anger flares, "Oh my God! Are you kidding me?! You're still sleeping with him, after he nearly killed me?!"

"Reena." My mom manages to say, surprised to see me. "What are you doing here? I thought..." she stutters at a loss for words and looks down at herself, turns around and grabs a shirt, throwing it over herself.

"Mom, he needs to leave." I hold my stomach and step in further. "Get him out mom!"

"For Christ sake Reena! Keep your voice down." She looks around at the sleeping monster in bed and then back at me.

"Just go to your room, this doesn't concern you."

I gape at her, I cannot believe what she just said. Without thinking, I grab the shoe off my foot and toss it at him, hitting him square in the head.

He jumps and turns to look at me. When his eyes gain focus and he recognizes that it's me, the expression on his face changes from blank to angry.

"I thought you said the little bitch wouldn't be here." He says it aloud and gets up from the bed, pulling on his pants and stepping behind my mother.

"The little bitch? Mom, are you serious? Are you going to just let him talk about me like that?"

When she doesn't say anything, I pull out my phone and dial the police. "I'm calling the police."

A second after I say those words, he's in front of me and grabs the phone away. "Not today little bitch." After that, he looks down at my stomach and grins.

"Oh, so that's what you've been doing?" His eyes flash up to mine, and I see the monster hiding within, and so I back away.

"You leave her alone Samual."

He moves closer towards me and shuts the room door behind me. At that, I quickly make my way downstairs but before I can get through the door, he grabs me.

"Well well, where are you running off to?"

I toss his hands off me and push him away. "Do not touch me."

He grabs my hand, twisting it to the point where I collapse onto the floor, screaming in pain.

"Samual!" I hear my mom bellowing behind him, but he continues to hold my hand. "Take your hand off her, now! Stop!"

My mother shoves him, and he lets go, but then he turns and strikes her hard across her face, and it sends her crashing to the floor.

"You always cause the worse to come out of me." He sniffs and turns back around to look at me. I'm still on the floor when he pulls me up by my hair and forces me to look at him.

"Aside from the weight you're still cute." He stares at me for a long minute before his eyes drop to my stomach. I begin to push at him to get away. Its not working so at that I scream, as loud as I can and he punches me, right at my side.

"No!" I hear my mom's voice over the excruciating pain running along my stomach. She crawls up to me and this reminds me of the last time,when Samual pushed me down the stairs. This all seems too familiar but this time I'm more scared.

"Reena." She holds my hand and I squeeze it as tears run down my face. I can't move. I'm honestly too afraid that something has happened.

My mom gets up and runs for her phone, dialing for the ambulance.

I guess Samual is gone.

"Hold on Reena," She says running back over to me, and sweeping my hair from my face. "Just hold on, okay." She begins to cry, telling me how sorry she is and how she's going to change and do better.

It seems like forever has passed when I finally find the strength to speak, "Call Reed." I whisper and she grabs my phone from the floor, that is a few meters away. She swipes it open and dials his number.

"Ms. Waters?" I can hear the grogginess in his voice, and the tears come harder.

"Uhm," My mom fails to find words to say and that makes Reed nervous because of the next thing he says, "Is it Reena, is she okay?"

Before she can answer, I hear the ambulance down the street and within a few seconds, they're in the room asking questions and tending to me. Even through all the chaos, I can hear Reed going ballistic on the phone.

When they begin placing me on the gurney, I suddenly feel the tiredness and I close my eyes, settling into a deep sleep.


First I must apologize if some of you guys felt uncomfortable. Sigh.

I am so sorry for putting you in a terrible mood, but I want this to be realistic.

Vote....: |

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