Reena - Baby's First Movements

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The last two weeks have been nothing but hard work, but it's also been the best two weeks of my life. Reed is very supportive and is always there for me, I almost feel incomplete at times when he's not with me and I get really miserable and moody. He makes me so happy and I can't see my life without him at this point, who knew that being in love could feel so free and comforting. It's such a great feeling when I can talk to the person I love the most about anything, and he actually listens to everything I say, even the annoying stuff. 

This morning was quite a fiasco when the baby moved for a good two minutes. It happened at breakfast as I was eating.

"So you think you could chew your food, Max? It really isn't that hard you know." Mrs. Max stands beside her soon glaring down at him as he scrolls through his phone while shoveling his breakfast of eggs and bacon into his mouth. When he doesn't acknowledge her or stop, she takes a very deep breath and walks back to the stove.

I smile as I take him in and his Dad laughs. 

"Reena, I hope my grandchild doesn't get Max's mannerisms."

"I heard that Dad." He says, not looking up from the phone.

I'm just about to say something when I feel a kick right under my ribs. I gasp and grab my belly, rubbing it. When I look up, Reed is staring at me as well as his dad, "You okay?" Reed asks and I move to say yes, but another kick makes me gasp once more and Reed moves closer.

"Is it the baby?" He asks and I nod yes.

He gets up from his seat and kneels beside me. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine. Although these kicks are making me think she might be a he."

He laughs and I turn my head to look at him. "Can I feel?" He asks and I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Like you've never asked that before." I mumble under my breath so only he can hear, he gives me a slick grin and moves in closer.

"You're right, I have." He whispers and gives me a kiss on the cheek. He places a hand on my belly and I move it to where the baby kicked me the last few times.

As nothing happens, he looks down at frowns before looking up. "I think she-"

Before he can finish, another kick assaults my side and he gasps, eyes wide and mouth open. "I felt her, I felt her move." His voice is colored with surprise and happiness.

He looks back down and runs his hand along my belly until she kicks again, and he smiles wide. "Oh my God, Reena!" He says excitedly and calls to his mother.

"She moved!"

His mother comes over fast and places a hand where Reed tells her. "Just wait for it." He says and withing no time, she kicks again and she squeals excitedly.

"Max, come feel your grandchild!" 

Mr. Max gets up and moves to me. Reed and his mother move away and he goes down on one knee and places his colossal hands on my belly. It takes longer but it happens  eventually and I watch as he smiles and his eyes grow wet with tears.

He clears his throat and covers his eyes with one hand. "Just reminds me ..." He trails off and after a few seconds he gets up and leaves through the door leading to the backyard.

"Mom," Reed says and his mother nods and leaves for her husband. 

"Is he going to be alright?" He asks and Reed stares at the door and sighs.

"He'll be okay." He looks back at me and drops his eyes to my belly. "Does it hurt when she moves around like that?"

"A little, but nothing to cause an alarm. It's normal for them to move, well that's what the doctor said."

"Yeah." He says and runs his hand over it. "What do you want to do today?"

I take a deep breath. "I have some reading to do and a few assignments."

"Okay, let's go then." He pulls me up and we move to his room. 

"I'm going to take a shower." I reply once we reach the room and start removing the long dress.

He nods and moves to join me. It's turned into our thing to shower together, he loves it and well I can't complain. Sometimes we'll just stand there and he will hold my belly, caress my skin and wash my hair. 

As he washes my back, he stops and leans forward. "Just a couple more weeks and she'll be here." I can feel him smiling, I know he can't wait for her to be here. While on the other hand, I'm absolutely terrified. I'm afraid something might go wrong, and what if I can't do it. What if the pain is too much and I just can't.

Reed senses my silence and turns me so I'm facing him. "What's wrong?" He asks and I sigh, 

"What if I can't do it Reed? And the pain?"

"You will be fine Reena and I'll be there, right beside you." He kisses me on my cheek, turns me back around and starts shampooing my hair. I relax immediately as his fingers massage my scalp. I brace into him and he stops, cupping my belly. 

"You ready?" He asks, sending kisses along my neck and shoulder.

I nod, and he moves inside. I gasp and he waits before moving again, all the while at a slow steady pace. 

"God, I love you Reena." I hear him say, his voice hoarse with pleasure.

"Will you marry me?" He says and I go rigid. He moves to my ear, "Marry me Reena." He says once more.

"What?" I say, although I heard what he said, I'm not sure he even knows what he's saying. 

He pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me tightly and begins to move faster. I shake and moan in response. 

Within a next few minutes, he stops and washes himself off, before turning to me. I don't bother asking him to explain what he meant when he said marry me, I just get out and begin getting dressed.

"Reena." He says and comes up behind me, when I turn to him he takes my hand into his. I stop breathing and he goes down on one knee, "This is my second time asking and although I don't have a ring right now, I still want to ask," he gives me a big smile "So Reena, will you marry me?"

I open my mouth to say yes but I find I cannot say anything so I nod, tears going down my face and he stands and hugs me. We stand like that for a good couple of minutes and I smile at him.

"I want you to be mine, forever."




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