Reed Max - I Got This

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Today will be the first day Reena's been to school since the accident. When she called me last night to tell me I immediately offered to pick her up, but as always she declined. Her excuse was that she didn't want anyone getting ideas about us and that she just really needed to do this by herself. I agreed with the latter but what she said before was just her blowing me off because if there's one thing I know about Reena is that she doesn't care about what anyone thinks, but then again this is all new to her and maybe she still needs time adjusting because no matter what she thinks, I know I'm going to get her to be mine.

"Hey man." A familiar voice brings me out of the thoughts of my mind and back to the real world. I'm standing in the parking lot waiting for Reena to show. Sheldon strolls over with two notepads in hand and his bag hanging off one shoulder.

"Hey," I respond and nod and he sits beside me on the bonnet of the car.

"Reena?" he asks and I nod. "She didn't want you pickin' her up?"

"You know how she is, always a no whenever I offer."

Sheldon laughs a little and looks at me. "She's really as stubborn as you huh?"

"Not to mention overflowing with pride." I pause and turn to him. "I'm not stubborn."

He laughs at the face I make and I shake my head.

"Whatever you say man." he continues laughing and I look away, shaking my head.

We change the topic and begin talking about how the season is going, we are looking good with just one loss that was handed to us by the defending champions who whipped us last season in the semi-finals. Otherwise, from that, we've won seven and drawn two.

When he turns the topic to the semi-final loss I leave him to talk while I laugh and nod as I check my phone. Then, just when I'm about to text Reena, he elbows me in my side. Looking up at him, he nods in the direction of the road and that's when I see Reena exiting from a car. My chest grows heavy and my body straightens.

Reena's wearing a big gray sweater that reads 'Just do it' and dark blue jeans with multi-coloured air max sneakers. Her dark curly is loose and is all over the place. She's never looked more beautiful than she does now.

"Your girl got real thick thunder thighs." Sheldon's observation is true but still, it irritates me and when I look at him he's laughing because that's what he was expecting.

"Shut up man."

He places his hands in the air and continues chuckling.

Reena sees us and she shuffles her bag-pack and walks over.


"Hi," she says looking at me then turns to Sheldon who has a wide grin on his face. "Hi, Sheldon."

"Hey, shorty."

"Hmm, so are we going to head to class are you guys waiting on someone else?" She gives a small smile but I can see in her eyes that she's nervous.

Still staring at her I ask Sheldon, "Waiting on someone else Sheldon?"


She looks back at me and her face heats up before she walks off.

"What class do you have?" I ask and Sheldon replies, moving closer to Reena. "We, have lit. You have geography."

Sheldon places his hand around her shoulder and I push it off. He gives me a wicked look with a grin that's stretching from one ear to the other.

"Yeah lit, then biology. Same as you two." She says, clearly clueless to the games Sheldon is playing.

Sheldon places his hands around her shoulders again and this time I can't get it off. "Good, then we gon' hit up lunch together."

She stops suddenly and Sheldon looks at her. "If that's cool with you."

She looks at me and I see the panic in her eyes. "Uhm. Maybe we can go somewhere, that's not the cafeteria." Her wide eyes plead with me because I know Sheldon idea is already making her uncomfortable. She's just not ready yet, but before I can say anything, Sheldon opens his big mouth.

"Oh," Sheldon says and looks at me, then at Reena. "Reena, eating with us in the cafeteria isn't going to damage your reputation or anything. We are good guys, well I am. Can't speak for anyone else." At that last sentence, he looks at me over his shoulder, grinning more than ever. All I want to do is punch him in the dick.

She smiles shyly and looks at the ground. "I just don't want anyone to think-"

Sheldon interrupts her with a loud chuckle, "Reena, my mother always says two things. One, never wastes your life trying to please others and two, never care what people think or else you'll never
be happy."

I shake my head at him but he isn't paying me any attention. He thinks he's helping me, he really does but he's being too pushy with Reena and I know she's going to back out.

She looks at him then and smiles. "You're right."

At those words, I'm stunned. She agrees with him?

He returns a smile. "I know I am. So have lunch with us, in the cafeteria?"

"As long as your crazy fan girls don't come wanting to start a fight."

I laugh at that and Sheldon does too.

"I'm serious." she says as we continue our walk to class.

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