Chapter fourteen

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I send the text that will arrange the meeting in a few hours, my girl wants, my girl gets. I can't believe my girl wants to chill and get stoned with me, she wants to hang out even though she has a weeks worth of fucking to catch up on.
Damn she's so fucking sexy when she fucks, I couldn't take my eyes off her. It makes me glad she fucks with her eyes closed, that could have been awkward. Cooper fucking smashed her, I wouldn't have thought to hit her that hard. Her fucking moans and gasps of pleasure proved it's how she likes it though.
I'd still love her slow, unhurried and gentle. I'd be so loving she would have no choice but fall in love with me.
I unbuckle my pants giving some much needed room and adjust myself to a more comfortable position and sigh. I'm too fucking tired to do anything about the boner I've got going on.
I close my eyes with half a smile, Isabel loves me. She has to. That room outside my door proves it, no one would spend so much time and effort otherwise right? I'm not even factoring in the cost it would've taken to set all that up because I know money means nothing to her.
I inhale deeply relaxing even though I'm alone, I can smell her shampoo on my shirt, I can feel her kiss on my lips.

I'm woken by urgent but quiet knocking on my door, Izzy stands in a pale pink silk nightgown and her nipples are hard underneath.
"What's wrong gorgeous?" I ask looking at her tear streaked face.
"You" she whispers and moves into my room.
"What's wrong with me?" I ask wrapping my arms around her middle and smelling her hair.
"I'd hear you out" she whispers tilting her head to give me her neck.
"And I would crash and burn" I sigh and kiss her softly thinking our words sound like song lyrics.
My hands move over the smooth silk and her body feels amazing. I cup her breasts and kiss her shoulder thinking we've had this conversation before, a sense of déjà vu.
"Bug" she moans setting me on fire.
"I'm sorry baby I tried, I really tried. I can't let you go" I tell her with tears on my face.
My mind spins and I feel wasted so I hold on tighter.
"What can I do? I'll do anything" she begs and covers my hands so together we massage her nipples.
"Love me Isabel" I whisper and turn her face to kiss me.
"I do Cole. I love you" she breathes.
"Stay with me, cause you're all I need" I sing low in her ear.
My hand moves to the hem of her nightie and I raise it over her hip, my hand slides over her thigh and ass. Fuck, no panties.
I lay her down on my bed, my lips on hers, I kiss her with everything I have. I need to make her mine, opening my eyes I see her under water. Her eyes are rolled back in her head and I cry out.
"Izzy no!" I call digging through the water to find her.
It's getting dark and I can't breathe, my lungs hurt and my heart breaks. I've lost her, my Isabel.

I sit up covered in sweat, I'm panting and crying.
"Fuck!" I yell in frustration and anger. "Why?!" I sob.
"I wish I could answer that, I wish I could make it stop" Coop says quietly walking from my bathroom with a washcloth in his hand.
I jump then groan flopping back to my back in mortification.
"Sorry man, you were screaming. I didn't give you a pill before I went to bed, I'm sorry" he tells me and gently wipes the cool wet cloth over my damp face.
"It's fine, it was just a nap" I say swatting his hand away.
"She's amazing isn't she?" Coop ignores my grumpiness and nods to the doorway.
"She's incredible, way too generous. How does a scum bag like me repay her?" I ask sitting up.
"Hmm, not sure same rules apply but I usually start by going down on her" he smirks and I groan.
"Fuck man, she likes that?" I ask rubbing my face.
"She's never asked me to stop" he chuckles. "Maybe flowers would be more appropriate, dark chocolate and fresh strawberries are her downfall" he frowns running his tongue over his teeth.
"Do you like it?" I ask without thinking. "Is it hard?"
"Is what hard?" He asks shocked shifting on the bed and crossing his legs.
"You know.... eating in?" I blush bright red.
"Holy shit! You don't know?" He blurts laughing at me.
"Forget it" I grumble moving to stand.
"Wait I'm sorry, it's just... you're you? I don't mean this in a bad way but your a bit of a whore" he tells me apologetic and keeps me in place.
"Yeah I fuck, I have issues... one of them is intimacy. I consider that intimate, I've never wanted to go there with a woman" I mumble looking away.
"I understand, before Iz it never even crossed my mind then the first time I saw her naked , I saw it I had to. It was a need I couldn't ignore. Now I can't speak for all women but with Iz it's not hard at all, I kiss her like I would her mouth. Izzy wouldn't like me talking about this so I'll keep it short, just like with sex it's all instinct... you don't think you just do and when soft hands are holding you so tight you couldn't move if you tried you're doing it right" he shrugs.
"I'm glad you found the one that you can't ignore. I'm glad that she returns that need for you. Being alone sucks big time and I just want you to know I'm glad you're not" I bite my lip feeling conflicted. "I watched you this morning, the way you love her.... it's a beautiful thing Cooper. You love her so much" I say shameful.
"Yeah man, I do. I love her more than I knew anyone could love anything, it's not just words when I say she is my world. I know I can't live without her, without her I have no life" he smiles almost sad and pats my leg. "Which is why I need to ask you a favour, I need to go to work for a few hours. Iz filled me in on your plans. Look after her for me? You guys hang out and have fun, I'll bring us home a bottle of the good scotch and we can have a night cap when I get home" he asks like I wouldn't look after my girl anyway.
"Sounds like a plan. I just have to pick up a few things from in town" I agree and he stands.
"Thanks bro, drink some water. I made you a sandwich too, it's in the fridge. I'll be in the basement for another hour before I leave if you need me" he smiles before leaving me alone.
"Stop fussing over me" I call after him and I hear him laugh as he goes.
I grab the bottle of cold water he left beside my bed and not because he told me to, I'm just thirsty that's all I think to myself feeling grumpy.

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