Chapter twenty one

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I take her hand nervously and smile at this beautiful woman at my side. Jax slaps my face and kisses it over and over making her laugh.
"This kid really likes you, I thought Jess was exaggerating" Ellie giggles and tickles his belly.
"Yeah, we're cool. Um Red, you're my girl right? Cause I'm about to tell my family, once we walk out there people will wonder why I can't stop smiling. I don't smile Red. I haven't for a long time" I swallow hard.
"Does that mean I make you happy?" She asks with a hand on my chest.
I nod with a smile and she reaches up to kiss my lips softly.
"You make me feel good, it's so different" I say not knowing what I want to say.
"To what?" She asks like I've confused her too.
"Everything, I love you Red" I kiss her this time and she smiles brightly.
"I'm not sure where this Red came from, but I like it. I love you too Boy"
"Lets do this" I smile and take a large breath.

The backyard is full of people, mostly clumping into smaller groups of who they know. Everyone is standing and smiling and talking having a good time. No one notices our entrance and I relax a little.
"I don't want to let go of your hand but I need to talk to my mum real quick, come with me?" Ellie gestures to her parents with a tilt of her head.
"Sure baby" I smile, here goes nothing.

We walk casually and May turns feeling a presence behind her.
"Oh there you are! Come to Grams my baby boy" May coos.
"Well this is awkward, but okay" I tease and hug her anyway.
"Hello Cole, don't you look nice today. That's a very nice girl you're wearing" May raises her eyebrows at me smiling.
"She's great, but I think her daughter is more my style" I kiss her cheek and she laughs at me.
"So this is new?" May says taking Jaxon from me and I wrap both my arms around Ellie.
"Mama don't start. I just wanted you to know I'm working tonight so I'll be leaving early, I'm not sure what time I'll get off in the morning but I have uni stuff being delivered at seven. Can you sign for me pretty please?" Ellie gives her a begging look.
"By sign you mean pay?" May laughs.
"You paid for my books in high school?" Ellie rolls her eyes.
"Because you were a child, helpless and defenceless. Now you're not" May sighs like this is an old conversation.
"I'm still your child, the only child that hasn't abandoned you. Doesn't that mean something?" Ellie acts wounded.
"Yes, it means I've been too lenient on you. Somehow you got the impression I'll baby you forever" May kisses her cheek. "Will you be home for dinner tomorrow?" She asks Ellie looking at me.
"It's too early to tell, maybe?" Ellie shrugs with a smile she's trying to hide.
"Your brother was looking for you earlier" May warns.
"I bet" I grumble.
"Be afraid, be very afraid" May laughs and rubs my arm.
"Does every woman in my family just fall at your feet?" Ellie asks with an eye roll and her arm wraps around my waist and her thumbs looks into my belt loops casually as we walk.
"Ha! Not even close, Lilly hated me from the moment she laid eyes on me. I thought your mother was your sister when we met, I guess that got me in her good graces. Clair doesn't know I exist I'm sure. We've talked a few times when we swapped custody of the pups but it's like she looks right through me, she never quite meets my eyes when we talk" I shrug and kiss her hair as we go to face the music and see Jace and Beth who stand with Coop around the fire pit.
"That's just Clair, she comes off snobby but she's really just shy. She's very sweet when you get to know her" Ellie smiles up at me.

"Okay Cole you've had your fun, move on already" Jace tells me with narrowed eyes.
"Nice turn out man, you definitely know how to throw a party Mama. It looks great" I slap Jace's shoulder and kiss Beth's cheek ignoring his attitude.
"Thanks Cole, your food must be good it's disappearing fast" Beth smiles at us.
"Cole cooked for this?" Ellie asks. "You cook boy?" She turns to me shocked and surprised.
"I did, I do. I love cooking and most of it turns out edible" I chuckle.
"Oh dude, score!" Ellie laughs.
"Want me to cook for you Red?" I ask feeling turned on by her reaction and the thought of feeding her.
"Uh huh, what do you cook?" She swallows looking at my face.
"Everything, whatever you want" I tell her rubbing my thumb over her cheekbone.
Every second I look into her eyes I fall deeper under her spell.
"I'm going to spend every second away from you tonight thinking about that, I want to make it good" she tells me and her voice has changed, somehow huskier.
"Cooper, I don't think we've officially met" Coop interrupts holding out his hand to Ellie.
"Ellie. I've seen you around, we even spoke at the wedding. I don't expect you'd remember, I wasn't wearing anything reflective" Ellie smiles politely and shakes his hand.
Is she making fun of him? Girls always love Coop.
"Sorry" Coop frowns confused. "How was your swim? Looked like fun" he says trying to keep up a conversation.
"It was great thank you, you should have jumped in" Ellie turns and runs a hand over my stomach making my muscles clench. "Your brother had the balls" she winks at me and I want to kiss her.
"Oh he's got balls alright" Coop chuckles. "I hope you're not too fond of them bro" he grins flashing his perfect teeth and I hold my breath waiting for Ellie to fan herself falling for his charm.
"Cooper stop, his balls are fine" Beth blushes trying to look away from him.
"Angel up here if you don't mind" Jace grumbles pointing to his own face.
"You could always take your shirt off" Beth smirks embarrassed for being caught out getting her perv on.
"Maybe later sweetheart" Jace kisses his wife and I use his distraction to wind my arm around Ellie's waist pulling her closer.
"Cole, you need to go apologise to Iz sometime soon. I know you didn't mean it and she's spent the last hour trying not to cry, I know somewhere inside you that doesn't sit right" Coop tells me quietly with a hand on my shoulder.
"I know, I just wanted her to leave me alone for a while. Where is she?" I sigh.
He points across the yard to the deck and I see her with Rose and some guy she's draping herself over, Leah and some guy that's watching Oliver. Yeah now is not a good time.
"You want to go say hi babe?" Ellie asks looking to where Coop was pointing.
"Not particularly" I mumble.
"Sure you do" Coop tells me. "Excuse us Blondie" he nods to Beth pushing me with him.
"Really dude?" I sigh.
"You should have thought about the awkward catch ups before you made out with them" he laughs and Ellie looks at me keeping pace at my side.
"Them?" She asks and I shake my head.
"Hi ladies, you all look nice today" Coop kisses ass and his wife.
"Hey" I mumble and give Iz a small smile.
"Hey" she nods cautiously.
"Hi Cole, good to see you again" Rose says in her gentle voice.
"Thanks, you too" I smile one sided.
"I've tried to say hi at the bar a few times. It's so hard to get to you, it's like you're a celebrity in there" she giggles and I shift uncomfortable on my feet.
"Sorry it gets kinda crazy"
"Well don't forget who your first groupies were" Leah winks and I try not to cringe.
"Never, sorry ladies can I steal Iz for just a second?" I ask thinking I'd rather deal with our complicated drama rather than this. "Just a second Ellie, please don't go anywhere" I smile and squeeze her hand before letting go.
"Sure thing sexy" she smiles easy and reaches up to kiss me quickly.
It takes me by surprise but I like it.

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