Chapter forty one

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Lilly loads up a Facebook page, My Sweet Downfall Official fan site and I roll my eyes. His groupies I groan inwardly, jealous that one, they have seen more of my Boy than I have and two, that Lilly knew this existed before I did. Why haven't I googled the shit outta Cole?
"I remember years ago, when you were a moody teen you used to play this song over and over" Lilly laughs.
"Unlike you?" I accuse.
"Shut up and watch" Lilly flicks a look at Cole who watches nervously from the other side of the room.
Cole comes to life on the small screen, he's sweaty and stumbling, he's sexy and half naked on stage. The guitar in his hands comes alive and he starts to play. I smile and watch wishing I could always be front row to see him perform.

Arms reach out and heads jump in front of the camera, the crowd is going crazy but I focus on Cole, he seems so different, angry and clumsy, withdrawn and cold.
"How fucking high are you?" I whisper to Cole on the screen wanting to hug him.
"Buzz Lightyear high, no restraint was shown this particular evening" Cole groans and covers his face in front of me.
"Oh no... Bug?" Iz says worried.
"Please Lilly, Red.... turn it off" Cole begs and now there's no way I'm not watching this.
I can hear a guy heckling Cole and swearing, pushing himself to the front and bumping into girls half his size.
"What an asshole" I mutter.
Cole is focused on something or someone just in front of the person filming, he just stares and sings seemingly to one person in particular, a glass is tossed at the stage and barely misses a young girl's face and I gasp.
"Did you see that, he almost hit her" I blurt out shocked knowing that only Jace and Lilly can see what I'm watching.
The song changes and break stuff starts to play.
"No Lilly, what the fuck are you doing watching that?" Cole goes to snatch the phone from her hands.
"Oh no you don't" I gasp and take it from Lil so he doesn't take it away.
The Cole on stage is violent and angry, barely managing to stand in one spot then suddenly he snaps and his guitar is tossed to the ground, he jumps into the crowd right in front of me but he only sees one person. The asshole that keeps calling out, the asshole that threw the glass. Without a word Cole head butts the asshole and throws a punch, violent and deadly he keeps going.
"Holy shit, I guess you did see it" I cover my mouth and watch as Cole takes him down.
I watch Cole's face, he's fucking have the time of this life. My Boy likes a fight, and he likes it dirty.
"Not such a gentleman huh?" Lilly gloats at my side.
"Shut it Lil" I snap.
My heart races, scared for Cole and a tear slides down my cheek because it's obvious he's had to fight a lot to gain these skills. The lights come on and the music stops, Cooper yells at Cole to stop just as I think Cole is going to kill this guy by asphyxiation. Cole looks up with a cruel smile but lets him go. I watch as Izzy tries to go to him and he tries to stop her. He won't stop me.
I toss Lilly her phone and rush to Cole now, I hold him close and I feel him shaking.
"Just a day in the life of Bentley huh?" I whisper kissing his head.
"Hmm, yeah I guess" he snorts into my belly holding me too tight.
"I'm sorry you know how to fight like that, but Cole... I promise you, any more blow and I'm out. That is not the guy I know, these hands... so soft and gentle. These hands are for loving and creating beautiful music, not fighting" I tell him softly and hold his hands in mine.
"No more blow" Cole nods begging me with his eyes.
"No more?!" Coop growls. "Get up" he pulls Cole away from me and holds him by the shirt.
"Coop?" Cole pales at the look of fury in Coopers eyes.
"What does she mean more brother? Tell me you didn't bring that shit into my house" Coop is fucking scary when he wants to be and I go to hold onto Cole but Jace holds me back.
"Don't" Jace whispers hugging me but watching them.
"I could but I'd only be lying to you" Cole says quietly ashamed.
"Motherfucker. You know how I feel about that.... Isabel?! You knew about this?" Coop rumbles.
"I told you it wasn't my weed she stole, didn't you wonder why I acted like that? I'd never let her near it" Cole grimaces.
"Bro.... no. Just no. You can't do that, I won't let you" Cooper pulls Cole in and hugs him tightly and I think I must be missing something here.
"It's okay, Coop it's not that bad. I'm not like them, I don't need that much" Cole hugs Coop hard.
"It's not okay, not even close. I'm with Elle, that shit comes in my house again and you're out. I won't watch you disappear like her, I won't let you tempt Iz back down that path. I love you too much Man" Coop is really worked up and Iz puts a hand on both their backs.
"I'm already done" Cole tells him.
"Chuck, it's alright. I'm fine and Cole is sorry, I flushed it and gave him a good lecture already. It's our fault he needed it, we overmedicated him and asked him for too much. We wanted him to feel something and that's what he needed to do that" Iz explains comforting her husband and Cooper pulls her in between them.
"What's the deal?" I whisper to Jace and he frowns at me.
"Cooper's mother overdosed on Cocaine when he was young, died in his arms. Half way across the country and years later Cole's mother died the same way, a few years after her dad died Izzy took up the habit, gave Coop hell when he tried to get her off it" Jace whispers back.
"Oh, that'll do it. Me and my big mouth" I bang my head on Jace's hard chest.
"It's probably good they deal with this. Did you mean it? You'll leave him if he uses?" Jace looks at me curiously.
"No, but I want him to think that. I deal with junkies everyday, I don't want that for Cole. I don't want that for me" I whisper.
"There's a lot of things I didn't want for you Elle, you didn't trust me" Jace says disappointed.
"I love him, I can handle anything"
"I hope so" Jace nods. "As your lawyer Cole, I suggest you take down that video real quick. You threw down first and showed no mercy, if he wants to press charges no way you won't do time" Jace says out loud and Cole looks up.
"How do I do that?"
"I just did" Lilly sighs and holds up her phone.
"What?" Cole asks shocked looking at her.
"Alright fine! I'm admin for that page. I never to get to see you play so I run a fan site... happy?!" Lilly puffs and Cole grins at her.
"Yep" he chuckles. "You love me, I knew it"
"Yeah whatever dirt bag, I just wanted ammo to knock you down" Lilly rolls her eyes trying not to smile.
"Mission successful then hey? Apologise to your sister" Cole says more serious now.
"Sorry Ellie. Now you, I'm not the one that gave that guy a blood bath" Lilly shrugs at me and I screw my face up.
"Oh I'm going to apologise and beg her to forget she ever saw me like that don't you worry. I'm going to be kissing her ass for days" Cole smiles shy and unsure at me.
"I like the sound of that Boy, maybe you should start now" I step towards him and Cole lets go of Coop and Iz to pull me against him.
I snuggle in and nuzzle his neck, I feel his exhale and sense his smile.
"Holding you feels so much better than doing lines any day, I swear to you sweetheart you'll never see him again" Cole promises and I reach up to run my fingers through the light stubble on his jaw.
"Drugs are bad, mm kay?" I smile and Cole laughs at my terrible impression.
"Fuck I love you Red, marry me?" Cole lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
"Yeah Baby" I smile so big feeling like a teenager with her first crush.
I kiss his mouth slow, very slow and wrap my arms around his head. Loving Cole makes my head spin and my pulse race, he deserves so much love to ease all the pain he's suffered and I'm going to be the one to heal him. I make him smile.
"Jesus fucking Christ Elle. You kill me" Cole breathes against my temple turned on, I do that too.
"Us both man" Jace grumbles and smacks my ass.
"Speaking of weddings... how long have I got to plan this?" Beth asks moving to sit on Jace's lap.
Cole looks at me tenderly and kisses my forehead.
"My Ellie has been working so hard and she's so close, she can't afford the distraction now. No wedding till after graduation" he says.
"That's three months away" I pout.
"That's a good idea" Jace agrees.
"We have the rest of our lives babe, I've got my ring on your finger, I've got you sleeping at my side. I can wait for everything else, this is important to you so it's important to me. No dates or plans till after you graduate" he tells me and as much as I don't like it I love him all the more for understanding me.
"What if I said no BJ till we're married?" I smirk.
"Ellie?!" Jace blurts shocked. "Little ears!" He nods to Lilly who covers her ears with a smile.
"Then I'd say it's going to be a long three months, the wait will be worth it" Cole smirks back.
"Oh you think you're more stubborn than me? That's so cute" I giggle and kiss his amused face.
"We'll see princess" Cole laughs and rubs his nose against mine.
"Fudge balls they're so cute" Beth awes. "Why didn't I see this? I should've put them together months ago"
"My baby brother wasn't ready months ago, the timing is perfect, it's how it's meant to be" Coop says coming back in the room with a tray of assorted glasses, mugs and beverages. "Hot chocolate for those of us who are babies or feeding babies, coffee for my main man, scotch for the Bentleys and wine for the ladies" he announces proudly like he's accomplished a grand task.
"Someone invited ladies?" Jace teases and Iz slaps his head as she sits beside him, wine glass in hand.
"Beats me but bet I score faster than you" she giggles up at him and he grins showing her his dimples.
"You wish Tiny, I've been told just the sight of me holding an infant has ovaries exploding and I've got double ammunition. Those big blue eyes are powerless against me now" Jace boasts and Beth laughs.
"Yeah but with my soft hands and hooker lips you'll be left holding the babies while I hold the babes" Iz pouts and blows him a kiss tracing a soft hand up his bicep.
Are they flirting right now? In front of their spouses?
"Wanna prove it?" Jace raises a brow in challenge and Iz grins.
"I'd love to" she laughs.
"Ah... but alas the little vixen is married and sworn off hotties altogether, bummer" Coop grumbles playful and lifts Iz onto his lap.
"Ha! Under the thumb with you little mrs" Jace gloats sitting shoulder to shoulder with Cooper comfortably.
I never really see him like this, he's different with friends than he is with family.
"Sorry Coop he's a little... pent up. I'll see what I can do in a few more days" Beth blushes embarrassed by his behaviour.
"Yeah nah, not while those stitches are in place. Come see me when they dissolve and I'll give you an all clear to get nasty with my brother" I tell her sternly while Cole passes me a wine glass still holding me up with one hand.
I sniff it cautiously, I never drink red.
"I have other assets Dr Keyes" Beth goes bright pink and hides in Jace's neck.
"Oh I bet you do to tie down this ho bag" I laugh and take a sip with hesitancy.
"Hey!" Jace gasps. "I haven't been a ho bag for a long time thank you very much"
Cole picks up his scotch and sips watching me, he sits us back in the corner of the couch between Jace and Lilly so I'm straddling his legs.
"Wanna trade Baby?" Cole asks nuzzling my neck.
"Can we?" I ask hopeful.
Cole switches glasses with a chuckle and clinks his wine glass with my scotch.
"Anything for my lady" he smiles so fucking sweet.
"I love you" I blurt.
I love his attention to detail, his thoughtfulness, I love his sweetness, I love that smile.
"Red, I love you too" his thumb brushes over my cheekbone softly and we sip our drinks watching the other.
"Ah gag!" Lilly teases.
"No Lilly pad it's beautiful, Cole is a romantic huh?" Beth asks. "He's so gentle with you" she sighs and Cole smirks.
"What? I wasn't gentle with you?" He scoffs.
"You know what they say about hard walls? And there was that time you did a shot from my bra, and that night I worked at the bar and you propositioned me... or more accurately my ass" Beth points at him making Cole laugh and Jace frown.
"Doesn't count, that was all for Big man's benefit. In fact I'm confident I've never been rough with you, even that one time I was hard... your face you realised you were giving me wood" Cole laughs and Beth gasps.
"It was an accident, I was trying to make you feel better" she defends herself and I hold onto my thighs to keep me still, that's my wood.
"It seems as though you succeeded Angel" Jace says tightly looking at Cole with a hard stare.
"Don't blame me, my bed smelt like Izzy and Beth was topless, her hand was rubbing really close to my waistband... those shorts were so tiny" Cole explains.
"Hey bro, how's about you just shut the fuck up now?" Coop groans frustrated.
"Hmm good plan" Cole mumbles looking at my face.
"No kid, keep digging. Don't stop on my account" I smile sugary sweet and toss back the remaining scotch.
"I'm sorry Red, I have a disorder that prevents me from thinking before I open my mouth. It's called foot in mouth disease and it's always getting me into trouble, unfortunately we've found no cure" Cole pouts adorably making me smile when I want to be mad.
"I could try and beat it out of you" I grumble and lean forward to bite his bottom lip.
Cole kisses me, his tongue opening my mouth and rolling over mine just briefly. I love it when he does that and my heart skips a beat, my nipples harden and a moan breaks free all on its own.
"You could try, I won't stop you. It hasn't worked for anyone else though and others have been very thorough" Cole says too quiet and my stomach sinks, that was a very insensitive thing to say to someone who was abused his whole childhood.
"But did they use their mouths?" I breathe cupping his face and I kiss him again, this time I use tongue.
"Hmm not like that, this might work... more" Cole smiles and his free hand tangles in my hair to hold my face to his.
"Okay, so we're still here and you're freaking your little sister out" Jace slaps Cole's head and Cole's teeth bang into my lip.
"Ow motherfucker, jeez asshole much?" I mutter holding my hand over my lip and mumbling my words.
I check to see if I'm bleeding and scowl at Jace when I see a tiny drop of blood on my finger. I hold it up accusing and Jace frowns apologetic.
"Sorry Ellie belly, just don't kiss him like that when I'm close enough to hear the swapping of spit"
"You alright sweetheart?" Cole checks and his thumb pulls down my bottom lip to see the damage.
"Mm hmm" I nod but Cole kisses me better anyway.
"Let me refill your glass" Cole lifts me off him and onto the couch where he sat. "Oh and you wanted this?" Cole asks pulling my phone out of his pocket.
"Thank you sexy, you survived then?" I tease.
"Only barely, you do know there's a set of knuckle busters and a pocket vibrator in there right?" Cole winks sounding like he's joking.
"Are you wondering if they are for unrelated circumstances?" I smirk.
"Nope, not even curious. Everything alright?" Cole nods to my phone.
"Yeah, Josh called this morning. I didn't want to call him back too soon, he might think I'm sitting around waiting for him" I roll my eyes.
"Then don't call him back at all, just to be safe" Cole says tightly.
"You still seeing that douche bag Elle? I thought I told you to stay away from him?" Jace asks.
"No I'm not seeing him, we have unfinished business that's all. Oh and hey, thanks for letting me know he's a cheating bastard" I punch Jace's arm.
"What business?" Jace ignores the less than bothersome attempt at violence.
"None of yours" I mutter and hit the call button on my missed calls list.

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