Chapter thirty four

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I get the Uber to pick up Bobby on the way and I bounce on my seat in excitement, Cole has no idea I'm coming to see him. Bobby thinks she's dragging me out to see a band she's been hearing about but that's not the reason I changed my shift to tomorrow night instead. I'll happily work the ER again to see my man working and I plan to keep him busy with my drink orders. I want fancy cocktails and lots of them, after yesterday's unexpected deliveries I need a mental reprieve.
"Fuck that's a long line, who is this band?" I frown thinking we will never get in.
"My Sweet Downfall, they are all the internet is talking about. They're a cover band but by all accounts they play them better than original artists" Bobby says and pays the driver.
"I'm going to try and call Cole, it will ruin the surprise but so will not getting inside before they close" I grumble.
I dial but the line just rings out, he doesn't have a message service set up. Oh I am so changing that, most likely without telling him.
We step out into the line and I stare at the doorman, maybe I can talk him down.
"Let me try something" I drag Bobby with me to the front of the line.
"Hi, nice night" I smile trying to walk past like I do it all the time.
"Nice try, back of the line" the tall mound of muscle blocks my way.
"Oh I'm sorry, I don't think we've met" I hold out my hand. "I'm Cole's fiancée" I smile and he laughs.
"Yeah right" he rolls his eyes. "Attention ladies, it's just been brought to my attention Cole is recently engaged. Raise your hand if you're the lucky lady" he calls out down the line and almost every girl shoots their arm into the air.
He looks back at me with a smug smile and I frown.
"No I really am, see?" I show him my ring.
"What's your name, I'll check the list" he sighs bored.
"Ellie Keyes"
"Nope, no Ellie Keyes"
"Ellie Bentley?" I try.
"No Ellie" he says and now he looks like he's feeling sorry for me.
"I'm not lying" I hold up the picture of us on my phone.
"He takes selfies with his fans most nights, that doesn't prove anything" he says and I wonder what that is supposed to mean.
"Try Red" Bobby asks and he checks his clip board again.
"Have a good night ladies" he smiles and steps aside and I groan with a smile.
"Damn you Boy" I giggle and take Bobby's arm as I go inside.

There's standing room only in here and it looks so different to when I was here for Jay's wedding, it's dark and flashing lights pulse around the room. The band is playing enter sandman one of my favourites but I head straight for the bar and my man.
I make my way to the front but I don't see him.
"Hey!" I call to Cooper. "Where's my Boy? He on break or something?" I shout when I get his attention.
"Oh shit! Ellie" he looks up surprised. "No he's working" he says sheepish.
Bobby taps my shoulder and I shrug her off, she keeps it up and I stop scanning the crowd for him.
"What?!" I ask.
"Did you know he could do that?" She keeps tapping and points to the stage.
"Holy shit!" I gasp.
Cole, on stage front and centre, no shirt, rocking it hardcore and killing the fucking guitar in his hands. He sings and my heart stops, holy fuck I'm marrying a fucking rock god!
"I'll take the opened mouth staring as a no" Bobby laughs and I drag her to the front of the stage.
"That's my Boy!" I laugh and jump like a crazy woman.
"He hasn't seen you yet, dare you to throw your panties at him" Bobby grins already dancing.
I've never backed down to a dare and I'm not starting now, carefully so I don't flash the crowd I shimmy my panties from under my tight red dress, over my lace up heels that wind around my calves. I wink at Bobby and ball them in my fist, I toss them and hit the intended target, Cole's sweaty sexy face. He catches them with lightning fast reflexes and studies them before looking down.
Our eyes lock and my breath catches in my throat, I'm totally lovestruck for this man. I shape my hands into a heart and hold them up making him smile so big. Cole wraps my panties around his wrist and continues shredding the long guitar solo. I watch him in awe, why has he never told me?
The song ends and a new one starts, girls cheer and reach for my man. The internet was right, this band is fucking awesome. I shake my head laughing and dance with my girl while keeping an eye on the fucking sexiest front man I've ever seen.
"You forgot your drinks" Iz bounces up dancing with two fruity cocktails garnished with pineapple in her hands.
"We didn't actually order but thanks, what the fuck is this?" I smile pointing up at Cole's band.
"The house band?" Iz grimaces with a smile.
I take the drinks and hand one to Bobby.
"He's amazing" I laugh and she nods enthusiastically.
"Look at this place, they come for him. They love him" she tells me.
"Oh this is Bobby, Bobby this is Iz. Cole's bestie, also sister in law" I introduce the girls.
"Damn, bestie huh? You fucked him?" Bobby blurts out.
"Ah no, no I haven't" Iz says shaking her head.
"But you wanna" Bobby nods like she understands and keeps dancing. "Me too, bitch won't share" she twirls in a circle and lifts her arms closing her eyes and I look at Iz.
"Sorry she's kind of.... batshit crazy" I shrug.
"There's always one" Iz laughs and I grab her hand to dance with her.
Damn she can dance.

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