xi. stuck

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The man had dissapeared in the blink of an eye. The wolf, who was now accompanied by five others, same menacing look on their snouts, sprinted after him. Genevieve watched them run away, frozen. It took her a second to realize what she had seen.

Het legs began to move on their own accord as she tried to get away from that place as fast as she could. Heavy breaths passed between her lips as she ran towards the Uley house.

Genevieve didn't turn her head to see if she was being followed, scared of what she might see. Tears ran down her damp cheeks as she finally spotted the small red house in the distance. Gen reached the end of the sea of trees as she ran across the field before the home.

"Gen?" Kim came rushing from the house, having seen her from the window. Emily was behind her. The raven haired girl rushed towards her until Gen collapsed into her awaiting arms, sobs wrecking her body.

"What happened?" Emily wrapped an arm around her shoulder as she cried onto Kim's shoulder. Her cries echoed through the air and she hiccuped. "Honey, calm down and tell us what's wrong."

"T - there was a - a man," she couldn't continue her sentence. "I, I was just t - taking the short cut. He had r - red eyes, Em. I have never s - seen anything like it. I thought h - he was going to kill m - me."

Emily's eyes widened and she shared a worried look with Kim, who was glancing around anxiously. There was a loud howl in the distance and Gen seemed to shake in fear at the thundering noise.

"Let's get you inside," Kim said, as she tried to guid Gen inside.

"No," Gen shook her head. "I need to tell the police."

"Just come inside first." Emily soothed.

"He wasn't the only thing I saw." Gen wiped at her eyes. "There were these huge w - wolves. I mean huge! What if they killed me. I'm sure that man is dead. Didn't you just hear them? I need to call the cops."

"Calm down," Kim muttered. "We need to get inside."

Genevieve agreed silently and walked in between the two girls, still shaking. Kim sat her down in the living room, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. Emily made her big cup of tea and took a seat next to her.

"I promised Paul to never go into the woods by myself." she sniffed. "He told me it was dangerous and I should have listened to him. They weren't normal wolves, Kim. I have never seen anything like them before."

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