Chapter 4

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"To make peace with your clan," Alia replies.

"There is more to this isn't there?"

"There is, but it shouldn't effect your people-"

"I want out," you cut in. The three of them look at you in shock, "You heard me, I want out. I already suspected there was something up before I arrived. I don't trust any of you."

"F/n," Teron cuts in, "It has been over a hundred years since the war. We are trying to integrate you guys back into our society-"

"Which cut us out in the first place."

"How dare you speak ill of us," Oum says disgustingly.

"Oh," you laugh, "So it is alright for you to call me and my people monsters and yet when I speak of the truth, I need to keep my mouth shut," you ask, seeing him look away. You turn back to Teron, "Look, your plan to integrate us back into society, won't work."

"How? If you see how our clans are like, you can have your people-"

"Did you know the other clans attack my people if they set foot outside our territory? Did you seriously think I am going to send them out to where their well being can't be guaranteed?" The looks on there faces didn't surprise you. They were in a state of disbelief.

"Is it true?"

"Come visit my clan. Then you will understand what damages were made."

"We still want to try integrating your people in though. We need to be the generation that unifies all four clans. Do you have a suggestion F/n?" Alia asks.

"Fix your people's way of thinking. Get them to see us as humans, not as monsters. If you fix that then maybe, in about another hundred or two hundred years, my clan will be able to consider walking out of the territory."

"That is too long!" Alia says rather distressed.

"One of you still acknowledges us as monsters. You can't change how people think easily," you see Oum stiffen a bit. You turn to see all the three of them look upset. Teron and Alia probably because of what you said about the clans. Oum probably due to you winning arguments against him. "Look, I see your point about taking the first step. I am willing to look at the other clans, but it won't be me sending my people out."

Edited by Audballlllll

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