Chapter 33

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The fire clan was outraged. The men who were victims of Oum were being treated for injuries. Once stable, each person said the same thing. A cloaked man stared at them before they became unconscious. F/n's father had figured out it was this man who took you right away. Your family was very much worried for your well being. Your mother was crying and Jura tried his best to comfort while holding back his own tears. The clan members weren't aware of your kidnapping except for a select few. Your father was contemplating what to do. He wanted to bring you back, but he couldn't do to the fragile nature of the fire clan's relationship to other clans. Finally, he finds an idea, and began writing letters.

As for you...

Oum was walking right beside you. He wasn't controlling your movement now but you felt like your body wasn't your own. You were led to the dining hall. Sitting there was his family. All three of them had the same expression. It wasn't one of shock or distaste. It was one of pity. You figured out that they knew Oum had a blood stone. You sit down next to Oum and silently begin eating.

You were worried for your family. What a difficult position they must be in. As you continue eating Oum speaks.

"Father. I am deciding to make things official. I will announce to the clan that F/n and I will be wedded," he states and you stop eating. You knew why he was doing this. He wanted to make it so you couldn't leave even if you were given the chance. "I will explain to them that the union will bring peace to both the fire and water clan." Peace. The reason you were in this predicament was because of "peace." Because you cared about your clan very much, you went out of the fire clan and ended up getting the unwanted affection of man with a dangerous ability.

Oum's father looked at you and asked, "Do you wish to make a formal announcement about your engagement?" Oum silently grips your hand. Hard. You knew you had to agree. Oum's mental state terrified you and you didn't want to anger him.

"...Yes," You say, smilinga fake smile, and barely audible.

Oum smiles, "I'll announce it tomorrow."

You quietly continue to finish your meal. Soon afterwards you get dragged along to wherever Oum pleased.

Teron was visiting the air clan for reasons involving trade when a messenger arrived carrying a letter. The seal showed it was from the fire clan and Alia begin reading it with Teron peering over her shoulder.

To the people of the air clan,

My daughter was kidnapped by a man of the water clan. I cannot take action against them as it will cause more damage than good. I request your aide in bringing my daughter back to our clan. Also then man who took my daughter harmed my people. All of them said the same thing. He stared at them and they became unconscious. What I am asking is probably very much dangerous but please bring her back to us.

-Head of the Fire Clan

Alia and Teron knew who this "man" your father was referring to: Oum.

"He officially lost it," Alia utters. Teron becomes rather distraught. Oum had been a close friend to the duo. There were occasions where they got angry, yelled and even fought, but still they got along. It pained the two of them to hear that their friend became like this, a man who is losing his sanity.

"What do we do now?" Alia asks after a moment of silence."We need to figure out how to save F/n and keep her safe," Teron says in reply.

The day where Oum was going to announce your engagement had arrived. Oum had given you a new dress to wear. You reluctantly walked hand in hand with Oum to the balcony. The crowd seemed shocked to see you here and their looks of disapproval were very much known. Oum started speaking.

"Good morning my fellow clansmen. I have come bearing important news. The relationship between the water and fire clan has been very much strained. Now F/n had come over once to sign the peace treaty to show how the fire clan means no harm. This though was not enough to mend the relationship. So it has been decided that we are to wed." The crowd erupts into confusion and anger. Some question why and others scream their disapproval. Even so, Oum continues, "Since F/n will be the wife of the future clan head, I expect her to be treated like one. Anyone who dares harm her in any way, I will personally see to their punishment."

There is dark glint in his eyes. Several people in the crowd notice and begin to cower. They were scared, just like you. As Oum continues speaking, you watch as your freedom slips away from you.

Edited by Audballlllll

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