Chapter 15

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You stare at Oum before letting out a small laugh. "When did you get all sentimental?" When you see Oum retain his seriousness, you ask, "Why are you like this?"

"It is because," he starts. "You are a good person. It was wrong for me to treat you the way I did and we both know my clan is going to treat you much much worse."

"Well, as long as you know what you did wrong and feel bad about it, I see no reason not to forgive you. I also know your clan has hatred towards me. But that isn't something I will blame them for. They are victims of the past, just like my clan."

"But yours had to pay a higher price."

"I will admit, I am pretty bitter about my clan's situation but, I know I got people like you to depend on, so I know I will be fine," you smile at Oum. You turn towards the clock, "It's late. You might want to sleep if you don't want to be tired tomorrow." Oum nods and leaves your room and you finally go to bed.


Oum walks aimlessly towards his room. He didn't understand how you can maintain such a calm composure talking about his clan. The minute he saw you that day, he was firing insults, one after another. But you not once yelled at him or treated him unjustly. You always remained calm, even when you let your fears known or when you were being bullied by others. You were forgiving and understanding about his reasons as to why he disliked you and why he wanted to hide the main reason of your arrival.

Oum deeply regretted how he treated you. When he learned of the kind and compassionate side you had, how you geniunely loved and cared for your clan. He saw how you were with Alia and Teron. You were not a monster in his eyes anymore. You were much more than that. In his eyes, you were human.

Edited by Audballlllll

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