Ending 1

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"You just need to burn it and Oum loses his powers to control people." Teron says. You nod. As you are about to burn the stone, water shoots it our of your hand. It lands next to Oum and he grabs it. Immediately, he freezes everyone in place.

"The minute I felt the slash of air, I knew you would attempt this." he said hatefully. "And now," he says with a maniacal grin, "Will pay." You see all three of them go stock still. When Oum releases his hold on them, they drop to the floor. "As for you F/n." I wonder what I am to do with you.

Within minutes, guards are summoned and the three of them are taken to prison cells. Oum claimed it was treason and attempted murder on his life. Alia and Teron were banished from ever coming to the water clan but Kai was facing execution.

Fenda and Lua wanted to prevent it, but Oum prevented them from even partaking in the trial. Oum manipulated everything so that Kai would be executed. Now that just left his parents. His parents were getting in the way of what he desired and so he decided to get rid of them too. You were now officially alone. Your allies were in the other territories. Oum had locked you in a room and you were kept there until the day you were to be married.

Even after marriage, you couldn't see your family. Within years, the water clan grew isolated under Oum. Unlike the fire clan's reason for withdrawal, it wasn't out of fear. Rumors as to what happened the water clan circulated to the other clans. Alia and Teron explained to their parents what happened. As clan heads, they were forced to take action. They didn't want another war starting so they placed bans preventing their people from going to the water clan. You were truly alone.

You found this all pitiful. Your situation and the courses that led you to it. Oum always came to your room everyday and yet he never could make you smile willingly. It always was like that. Within the years though, you had a child of mixed race. You were worried for your child. They were going to inherit a clan that was isolated. From what you knew, it was going to be an uphill battle as your life was spent in that small room.

Ending one is done! UwU

Edited by Audballlllll

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