Chapter 22

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Mini A/n Okay so when I introduced Jura into the story, some of you don't know how old he is. He is around age 10. I brought up in way earlier chapters that F/n had a brother around Alia's younger sister. Not trying to come off as rude. Just out to clarify some misconceptions.

You knocked on the door. "Enter," you hear a calm voice. When you open the door, you see a woman with red hair that can rival a cardinal's that was slowly darkening to a brown and dark red eyes, your mother. She is sitting in bed with a book in her hands. When she sees you, she smiles brightly. You run up to her.

"I missed you," you say.

"I missed you more," she kisses your forehead. You knew that she was aware of the clan heirs being here but you didn't dare to bring it up. You spent your time talking about only the pleasant things on your trip. Soon your mother takes a deep breath. "F/n will you be a dear and join me outside. I would like to get some fresh air," she asks and you nod. You look around the room and find a chair with wheels attached to the bottom of it. You roll it towards the bed.

Gently, you take the covers off you mother and carry her into the chair. Now had your mother still had her legs, this task would of been much harder for you. You then roll her outside of the room and take her outside. Once outside she says something you never expected.

"You really do trust them don't you?"

"Depends on who you are talking about."

"The children of the other clans. You trust them don't you."

"I do."

"Then I should trust them as well." She turns to you and smiles. "After all, they're trying to do something for the greater good of the clan."


"Now F/n, Iwant you to be aware though. The majority of our people have never even seen someone of another clan. The ones who have, they..." she looks down, "They payed a price." She turns towards you, "It won't be easy trying to rid a fear and anger that grew as years go by."

"I understand."

"Now that I know you understand, I can be at more ease. Our clan is in good hands." You smile and soon bring your mother back to her room so she can retire for the night. When you exit and go down the hall, you see Jura.

"You seem mad," you say.

"I have right to be mad F/n. I can't believe you brought them here," Jura says scornfully.

"Hey, they are guests. We treat them with respect."

"Yes of course, treat the people who consider us as monsters with respect." You understood why Jura was angry. You sigh.

"Jura, they want to try and fix a mistake that was made hundreds of years ago. They are trying to fix it before the damage become irreversible. The only way they are going to fix it though is if we cooperate. You know that."


"I know you can't trust them, and that you're angry, I was like that too. But with time, you'll see them for who they truly are. Just like how they saw me for who I truly am," you smile. Jura stays quiet and looks down. You let out a yawn, "Goodnight Jura."

You walk past him. "The clan is in good hands." You turn around but Jura is already walking off to his room, and you smile, just before heading off to your room.

Edited by Audballlllll

A Destructive Element (Male!Yandere X Reader!)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara