Chapter 24

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Today was the festival, and you were special clothes that ranged from deep reds to bright oranges. Of course, these were only worn to commemorate the day.

The clan heirs were doing well with your people since someone gave them traditional fire clan clothes to make them feel like they were a part of the clan. When you saw them, you were smiling and laughing along with them.

During the festival, kids were playing all sorts of games with their families or partaking in the activities. As you were walking, Alia nudges you and points to a booth. "What are those?" She asks. You see that the booth has colorful sticks ans you instantly know what it is.

"Those are sparklers. You light them with fire and then a colored flame comes out. It is very popular among kids," you say. An idea pops into your head. You go to the booth and buy some. When you arrive back at the group, you hand them out.

"F/n, what are you doing?" Oum asks. You say nothing but instead, light the sparklers. They gasp and soon are enraptured by the little colorful flames. You then continue around the town, visiting booths, playing games and talking to the people.

In the square, you here music playing. You see a bunch of people dancing together. You notice Oum is right next to you.

"Hey Oum," he turns to you. "Dance with me." Before he can say anything, you take his arm and force him into it, not that he cared. He was very much pleased that you took the initiative to do something like this. It gave him hope for his feelings.

Teron and Alia watched in the sidelines. They weren't smiling though. As they were watching you two dance, Teron says, "Do you think she knows?"

"No," she replies, "Teron, this isn't good," she finishes with a worried expression.

"You don't say, this wouldn't be much of a problem if he wasn't from another clan. If he acts on his feelings, F/n may have to deal with much, much more worse things, worse than the water clan."

"It doesn't help when she doesn't like him that way either."

"What do we do then?"

"Try and talk some sense into Oum," they continue watching the two of you dance.

Eventually, the dance comes to an end and you rejoin Alia and Teron. You all take a little break. As you were talking, giant bursts of colorful light explode in the sky. The three look up in shock and you laugh. "What. You guys never seen fireworks?" The four of you stare in awe before heading back to your home. You soon leave the group, first saying you wanted to talk to your parents for a bit.

Oum was about to go into his room when Alia and Teron stop him. Seeing something was wrong they all talk privately.

"What do you two want?" he says.

"Don't do anything stupid," Alia says.

"Oh? What makes you think I am going to do something stupid?"

"You are getting too close to F/n," Teron says. Oum laughs.

"I like her, of course I am going to try and get close to her," Oum replies.

"You keep on forgetting that you are from the water clan," Alia looks at him sternly, then continues, "You can't be with her. It is more dangerous for her than you."

"I'll protect her, I'll make my clan understand she is a suitable candidate for-"

"You plan on marrying her!" Teron cuts in, absolutely astonished, "Oum have you gone crazy?! F/n has her own clan to worry about! Don't rope her into such things!"

"Teron's right, I don't think F/n is ready to go back to your clan, not after everything that happened there."

"Think about guys, if F/n and I do wind up marrying, it must make the clans be in peace treaty which will be beneficial to both sides."

"Oum," Teron pauses, thinking over his next question, "Does F/n love you?" Oum gives a questioning stare and Teron continues, "If her feelings are mutual, then you have no choice but to accept it." Oum went silent. He knew you only saw him as a friend and nothing more.

"She doesn't right now but-"

"Oum, don't do anything that will inflict something negative. The people here don't fully trust us, and you especially. She doesn't love you. Drop whatever stupid fantasies you got going on in your head, for the sake of both clans." Alia and Teron leave the room. Oum falls back into bed. What they were saying wasn't wrong, but he felt what he was saying was more right. He didn't want to let go of his feelings, he was going to make you his, one way or another.

Edited by Audballlllll

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