Chapter 6

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While you were with Alia...

Teron glared at Oum. Oum rolled his eyes and said, "If you got something to say, say it."

"You know why F/n is here. If you are the reason why she declines partaking in peace treaty, prepare for retribution." Oum was amazed. Teron was man who never expressed his emotions or desires. He stayed neutral. Stiffening up, Oum asks,

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Apologize and try not to isolate her. F/n is trying. You should as well," was all Teron said before walking out. Oum looks at the door and sighs. What Teron said wasn't wrong, he needs to fix things, or else the one paying the consequences would not be the fire clan. He then proceeds to find you and Alia.

Back to you...

Alia had guided you to a balcony. You wanted ask her what was going on but before you could, she turned to you.

"I apologize for Oum's behavior. I am pretty sure Teron is lecturing him as we speak."

"I don't blame him. When your clan is known for being monsters for over hundreds of years, it is difficult to change their mindsets."

"That is true, but you shouldn't be blamed for it. No one can control who they are."

"You are rather okay with me being around. Your society is rather upset I am present."

"In reality, Teron was the one who suggested we invite you. At first I didn't want you to come, but he told me a few things and it changed how I view the fire clan."

"What did he say?"

"Right now, I shouldn't speak of it. When the time is right, I promise to tell you everything." Seeing that Alia was not going to say anything else you proceed to excuse yourself. When you turn around you see Oum standing there. You continue walking without acknowleding him.

Before you can pass him, he grabs your arm.
"We need to talk."

Edited by Audballlllll

A Destructive Element (Male!Yandere X Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now