Chapter 37

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Oum, Teron and Kai were all in the library. Teron was making small talk with Oum about matters going on in the clan and Kai was trying to jump in whenever suitable. Every now and then, Oum would look outside in hopes of seeing F/n. Teron notices this.

"Don't worry, it is not as if she was going to run awa,." he says gaging Oum's reaction. Kai also looks at Oum. He is just as curious to see how he will react.

"She won't run, I know she won't."

"Such confidence," Teron says leaning back into his chair. "Well, the power of love is something."

"What do you think the girls are talking about?" Kai asks.

"You know, things that girls talk about." Teron says offhandedly.

"You don't know do you?" Oum replies.

"Not a clue."

"Well, if you don't mind. I have to go to the bathroom." He says exiting out.

"He is going to spy on them," Kai says, but continues with a smirk, "Not like they got much to hide." Teron waits to see if Oum is really gone before he becomes serious. He explains to Kai that he knows what happened in the water clan and their real reasons for coming here.

"You think you can help us."

"I mean, I can try but Oum is weary of me. I helped F/n escape once and he nearly choked me to death with that stone."

"He always has it with him right."

"In his pocket," Kai says like it was obvious and Teron nodded, and started thinking of a plan.

Alia starts asking questions about the time you were here when she stops speaking. She turns to the door, "He is coming."

"Who?" you ask.

"Oum," She then starts smiling cheerfully and starts fiddling with your hair. "Pretend the conversation we had before never happened." You nod and allow her to take the lead in the conversation. Oum looks carefully through a crack of the door and sees Alia trying to braid her hair while laughing. You smile along with her and tell her things he can't hear. He is suspicious of the two clan heirs. Perhaps traitors who were present during the announcement told those of the other clan but he still found it strange. He knew something was up.

It was evening and everyone was eating at the dining hall. It was certainly more lively and you found yourself smiling more. Oum felt a twinge of jealousy. He wanted to be the one who kept you smiling and didn't like that you were smiling for someone else.

When dinner ended, Oum had asked you to join him and you comply. It was then that Alia and Teron gathered Oum's family and explained what they knew and what they planned on doing.

"We need your cooperation on this. It isn't just F/n that is in jeopardy," Alia pleads. Oum's parents look rattled and sad.

"Is there no other way for our son? I don't want to hurt him." Lua says, but Alia says, "For Oum to use his blood stone, he must be in close proximity of the person he intends on using it on and must be able to see them. The plan was to be hiding in places where Oum can't see and use their elements to knock him out.

"You could already see him descending into madness. It may not be apparent right now but I can tell he will get rid of anyone who gets in the way of what he wants." Teron says and Fenda thinks for a moment.

"My wife and I will make our hands clean of it. We refuse to take part," the clan head states. Teron and Alia are about plead but he continues. "As crazy as he is, he's still our child. No one in their right mind will ask a parent to harm their children. I understand why you must do so but please, don't make us get involved anymore than we have to." Alia and Teron nod and face Kai.

"He tried to kill me once. No doubt he is going to do it again," Kai says, "I... I will help you." It was very obvious this decision was hard for Kai. "What is going to happen to Oum once F/n is free and the stone is gone?"

"It is obvious Oum is not fit to be the head of the water clan," Fenda says sadly, "He will probably be deposed. In that case," he pauses, turning to Kai, "You will be the future water clan head."

Edited by Audballlllll

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