Chapter 25

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You had just arrived in your room. It was nearly midnight. Just as you were about to change you heard a knock. You opened the door and saw Oum.

"Evening F/n," he says.

"Good evening. What brings you here?" you ask. You let him inside and he sits down on a nearby chair.

"I wanted to ask you something," you sit down next to him.

"Okay. Ask."

"Do you think you will be able to join us next year for the signing of the treaty."

"I probably will. The earth and air clan seem to have a better view of us. Eventually in a few years, we can open trade in those areas."

"What about the water clan?" You stay silent. You still haven't gotten over what happened there. You didn't even want to think what would happen if you went back.

"Oum," you look at him straight in the eyeand continue, "I don't feel safe there, I can't go back there. I don't think my presence being there will solve anything."

"But, if you come every year, maybe they will see you differently."

"I have to be on my toes inside your clan. They know that, I was thinking. The earth and air clan was influenced over the years which made them not like us. Maybe if I stick with those two clans, it can change the way the water clan thinks. Then maybe in the future, our own descendants can-"

"No!" He shouts. You were stunned.

"O-oum." You say after a while. Oum looks at you.

"I don't accept this. F/n I-" Before he can continue the door swings open. Alia steps inside.

"Hello F/n, Since tonight is our last day together before we leave, I thought we can have a little sleepover. Are you okay with that?"

"I don't mind," you say with a smile.

"Then that settles it, now excuse me Oum, would you mind if you left. I am feeling very tired," Alia says with a piercful smile as he reluctantly gets up. When he passes Alia, you can see her whisper something in his right ear. He quickly glares at her before walking out.

The two of you get into bed, "Goodnight Alia." You were about to sleep but Alia says something you weren't expecting.

"Be careful around Oum."


"Just trust me, Oum is rather rash and does things without thinking."

"Okay then," you say as the two of you drift off to sleep.

Edited by Audballlllll

A Destructive Element (Male!Yandere X Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now