Chapter 12

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You were walking through the town. In the group, you were the only one keeping your hood up. You were cold and didn't want to draw attention to yourselves. As you were shivering, Oum asked, "Why can't you warm yourself up? You can control fire."

"I can, but I rather not." You could indeed warm yourself up but chose not to because you didn't know how others would react to seeing water vapor come right off your skin. You soon were in the square. The town was bustling and lively. That was until you four were present. Everyone was quiet and staring at you. You shifted closer to Alia and pulled your hood even lower.

After a few moments, a girl who looked to be a bit younger than you came forward. "Hello Lady Alia."

"Hello." She replies. The girl turns to you and smile.

"I saw you when you presented yourself to the crowd. You have such beautiful hair. It is shame you want to hide it." You were rather surprised. When you looked into her eyes, you saw no malice. Slowly with shaky hands you remove the hood revealing you hair. "So beautiful." She says with a smile. She turns to the crowds. "Well, I think she is pretty and looks trustworthy. What do you guys think." Soon more people began stating their opinions. Some were positive, others negative but majority was neutral. Eventually more and more came up to you. They asked questions about what you intended and you answered honestly.

When you turned to look at the girl, she was walking away. She turned and smiled before continuing to wherever she was going. As for the rest of the day, most people were scared or just angry you were there, but none acted upon it due to the other clan heirs being present. As for the people who showed no malice or fear, were enjoying their time with you. You also began to find yourself happy along with them.

The day was coming to a close and you all were at the clan house. After dinner, you excused yourself to go to your room. While you were walking, you ran into a guard. This particular guard was the one responsible for taking you to the air clan. Politely you bow to him and was about to proceed forward when he said something you weren't expecting.

"I am sorry." You turn around wide eyed.

"I beg your pardon?"

The guard looked rather reluctant but he continued "...My daughter was in the square. She told me she got you to take off your hood. Said you were also nothing like the monsters we thought you to be. She was right. Your ancestors may have done something to incur the air clan's wrath but their descendants shouldn't have been to blame. For my misjudgment and how I treated you on the way here, I apologize." The guard bows his head. You smile.

"I forgive you. I also thank you."

"For what?"

"For be able to understand that we are not monsters." You smile and then walk off. When you reach room, you smile even wider and lie down in bed. Slowly, but surely, you were making progress with the air clan.

Edited by Audballlllll

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