Chapter 8

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While you are in your room after telling Oum off...

Oum is stunned to silence. He knows his hate for you has no justification but he couldn't help it. Just then Alia and Teron enter the balcony.

"I take it you didn't apologize," Alia states.

"I did. She didn't accept it though," Oum spits out.

"You insulted her didn't you," Teron asks. Oum stays silent. Teron lets out an exasperated sigh, "I am going to tell her our reason for inviting her."

"No, you can't!" Oum shouts.

"I decided to keep quiet to give you a chance to fix things, but you are making them worse. She needs to know her clan was never to blame in the war. I don't get why you hate her so much. Especially when she is innocent."

"I can't help it okay! All my life, I grew believing that the fire clan intended on wiping us out. The main reason why we attacked was to protect our clan. But then I find out from you that my clan was the actual bad guys, planning on dominating all of Haven. How can I look kindly on a girl who can destroy my clan with the information you told me?"

"You know that won't happen."

"How can you be so sure."

"The fire clan has been considered as monsters for hundreds of years. Do you really think they will listen to her alone? Oum, we are trying a peaceful approach to the situation, to make it so no one has to pay the price. Why can't you see that?" is all Teron says before walking out angrily. Alia looks at Oum with dismay.

"Oum," she calls out quietly, "If this doesn't work out, the one paying the price won't be the water clan." She too also proceeds to leave, but before she does, she turns around and says, "I sometimes wonder who the real monsters are."

Oum is then left alone to his own device. He begins to think about what everyone told him. He remembers how he treated you, a girl who never left her clan. Then he feels a pain in his chest. For the first time, Oum feels guilty towards the fire clan. He knows his hate is unjustified, but even then he made it known he disliked her. F/n on the other hand, had the right to show her disdain but never expressed it unless it was to affect her clan. Oum finally resolved himself. He knows his anger and hatred won't go away quickly, but he can at least try to fix it.

Edited Audballlllll

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