Chapter 20

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When you woke up, you saw Alia sleeping next to you. When you remember the reasons why you were in her room, you began shaking a bit. Your shaking had seemed to wake her up. When Alia notices you shaking, she ask gently,

"Are you okay?"

"...I'm fine." You get out of bed and prepared to get dressed. "I need to apologize for the ruckus I-"

"Your not at fault for that." Alia cuts in. "You were not at fault for anything that happened here. You never were."


"I understand that you need to be on your toes due to what clan you are from but, you should not apologize when you were the victim," Alia soon gets dressed and the two of you leave the room.

Teron and Oum are there. You see that Teron is holding a piece of paper. The treaty. You four sign it and soon you are back on the road. You were finally going home. You wore your cape and kept on right before you stepped outside. You stayed closer to Alia and soon you were in the forest region. It took you a while before you felt comfortable enough to remove it.

It was roughly around night time. Oum had gone fishing with Teron and you and Alia were setting up camp. When they arrived, you see that Oum is soaking wet.

"What happened to you?" Alia says in a joking tone. Before Oum can say anything, Teron speaks.

"The fool leaned way to forward and wound up falling into the stream. For a guy from a clan known for its gracefulness, you got a long way to go," Oum once again was going to speak, but was stopped by a fit of sneezing. He was going to develop a cold if he wasn't warmed up in time.

"Oum." you call out. "Can I hug you?" When you see him blush, you realize what you said. "I didn't mean it that way. It is just that you will develop a cold so I thought since I can produce heat, I can help dry you off faster." After a few moments, Oum walks up to you and sits next to you. You hug him and soon begin drying him off. Now one would think Oum would be fine being wet, but even so, one's own element can be proven deadly to themselves.

For the next few days you all march on to the fire clan. You and Oum have become good friends and you felt safe around him. You also felt excited for two reasons. You were going home and that you were bringing outsiders to your clan. It scared you. You didn't know how the people would react. Would they be like the people of the water clan. You didn't want them to get hurt.

You soon saw the guards. You were at the fire clan territory. Among the guards was a boy with fiery red hair and yellow eyes. You knew this boy all to well. Your brother. When you got into earshot you call out.

"Jura!" The boy and the guards notice you. You see them smiling. For a moment though. You see the guards hide Jura almost immediately and stay on defensive stances. You knew why. For the first time in decades, outsiders were in the fire clan territory.

Edited by Audballlllll

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