Chapter 23

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It was during breakfast when your father was discussing the plans for the duration of the trip.

"I would also like you three to participate in the up coming festival," yout father says. You smile excitedly. The festival was a celebration that was very important to your clan. It was created shortly after the isolation. Since the fire clan was cut off from trade, the economy of the clan suffered. The festival represented how you were able to successfully rebound from it.

"It would be an honor," Teron smiles. After breakfast, you guided the three of them to the entrance of your home. You turned to them.

"I am going to tell you this now, they haven't seen people like you in decades. The ones who have, didn't have good impressions. They will be scared and perhaps angry you are here. They won't harm you though, so you'll be fine."

"I wouldn't blame them," Oum says, "We just need to show them that we are here to fix the mistakes made long ago." You smile at Oum.

When you were walking in the town, everyone just stared. No one was talking, they just stared and moved away from you. Eventually, you made it to the square. It was here you made your announcement.

"Hello everyone, as you can see, I am back and I have brought people along with me," you pause, "For years, we have been isolated and subjugated to harsh treatment from the other clans, but these people are their clan heirs. They are here to help fix our situation. Now, they alone can't do it all by themselves. They need us to pitch in our effort. This is our chance to show them we are not monsters. So what do you say?" You see the crowds. They all look so unsure. Soon the clan heirs all say a piece. Eventually, a man walks up to the group.

"Do you trust them F/n?" he asks. You smile.

"I do," He then turns to the clan heirs. He then walks up to them.

"Can I trust you?" He asks them. The trio nods in unison. "Then please, don't break the little trust I have in you," he says and the trio nod once more. The man then walks away, disappearing into the crowd.

Eventually, the people slowly began interacting with them. You felt rather happy about this. You didn't truly know how they were going to react, but you were pleased to see them try to be on good terms. Now there were some who refused to try, but with time, you hope they would come around. The next few days flew by quickly and it was soon, the festival.

Edited by Audballlllll

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