Chapter 21

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The guards did not take their weapons off. This was because they couldn't inflict damage on outsiders unless they attack first. You go towards them to try and mediate the situation.

"It is fine, they're here to maintain a peace treaty. They won't hurt us, I promise," you say as calm as possible. The guards remain unsure, but lower their defenses. You see Jura peek out and you hug him tightly.

"You were gone for like a day," Jura states in a teasing manner.

"Missed you too you brat," you smile at him. Although you and Jura had gotten into many fights, you still loved and cared for him. You turn to the group, "This is Jura, my brother." When you try to step forward, you see Jura refuse to move. You see his facial expression and it is not a happy one.

"Make sure mom doesn't see them," he says before running in the opposite direction. The three of them make themselves closer to you.

"He doesn't really like us does he?" Alia says, "Not that I blame him." The four of you then head towards your home. When you are in the town, you see the people huddling closer together. Parents hold their children closer or usher them inside. If there was any anger that wasn't present, it was overrided by fear.

Somehow, you made it to your home. You are in a conference room waiting for your father to come. "Your clan is a beautiful place," Teron says. "It is very different," you smile. Your clan had built itself on its own after the war. "By the way, your brother said not to let your mom see us. Is there a reason why?" You stop smiling.

"...My mom," you begin. "...she got attacked near the border. For a while, it hurt her to even listen about the other clans. Jura is worried that you might trigger bad memories," you say. When you see the look on their faces, you try to lighten the mood. Before you can, your father walks in.

"F/n. I haven't seen you in so long." You run up to him and hug him.

"I missed you," you break the hug. Soon the mood becomes serious once again. Your father begins discussing what is planned for the time period they are to be staying. He puts a lot of emphasis on how the people are scared and how they needed time. Eventually, the meeting comes to an end and you all go to the dining hall.

Your mother wasn't able to join as she learned of the arrivals of the clan heirs. Jura, against his will, joined to eat. It was silent until Alia try to break the ice.

"Jura, did you know I have a sister around your age?" Jura stayed silent and continued eating his meal.

"Jura it is rude to ignore people like that," you tell him.

"I have nothing to say to them," he says. You understood why Jura was mad. You felt like this too when you heard you had to meet them. Jura soon finishes his meal and leaves without saying anything else.

"I'm sorry about him," your father says. "He doesn't fully realize you guys came here with good intentions."

"It is alright," Oum says, "He has his reasons. Also, I would like to apologize. It is primarily my clan's fault that you are in this predicament," Oum bows his head. "Raise you head my boy," your father says. "It makes me grateful that you are here and willing to fix things shows how you feel." he states.

Soon, dinner comes to an end. You go to visit your mother whereas the other three go to there rooms.

As the three of them are walking, they see Jura. Jura glares at them, "You three have some sort of motives don't you?" The three of them tense up, "So I was right. The fact you guys are here is a ruse right. To make your clans seem like saints." No reply. "Just because you got F/n's cooperation, doesn't give you the right to think you got the rest of the clan's."

"Jura-" Oum says.

"Don't say my name with you filthy mouth," Jura hisses, and walks off. The clan heirs look at each other. They knew the people were scared of them. What they didn't realize until now though, is that under all their fear is an anger that can rival the water clan's.

Edited by Audballlllll

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