Chapter 1

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I was on a mission to kill a family. I hate it when my parents force me to kill people even when they know I don't like it. I planned on running away tonight after my mission was complete. If I hadn't completed a mission, there would be no money for me. No one can survive without money.

~Time skip after the mission~

I headed home after I did what I had to do. Walking back I stared up into the starry sky. On my way back I bumped into someone, he had silver snowy hair with amazingly blue eyes *he looks a bit cute... Wait, What Am I Thinking?!?!*

"A-AH! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you" I said.

"It's fine, considering it WAS your fault." he said a bit annoyed.

"I was distracted, okay? It's not my fault that the stars are so interesting to look at." I said defending myself.

Killua's POV

I looked up only to see that the stars shined beautifully tonight. She was right.

*The stars don't shine as bright as you though... Wait, what?!?! No way, I can't fall for someone so easily, what am I thinking? Yeah she's cute and...kinda hot too, b-but still!*

I blushed lightly to what I was thinking. Me and my ridiculous thoughts...

"You're right... Sorry" I said realizing what I said before.


"Glad we can both agree!" I smiled at him.

"W-what's your name?" he said stuttering a bit.

*did he just stutter? Awe that's so cute. Gah! I MEAN!... No, stop it (Y/N) not right now*

"My name's (Y/N), what about you?" I asked.

"Killua" he said.

I take my hand out to shake his.

"Nice to meet you! But I have to get going now" I said waiting for his response.

He took my hand and shook it back.

"Nice to meet you too, and okay... I'll see you around then?" he asked.

"Y-yeah, hopefully." I said continuing my way back home.

We parted our ways after our little small talk.

Killua's POV

As I saw (Y/N) walk away, I started heading home.

~le time skip~

As I got to the testing gates, I opened them. I then headed my way up to my mansion. As I got inside I was greeted by the Butler's.

"Welcome back Master Killua" one of the Butler's said.

"Hey" was all I could say at the moment.

*I need to know when I can see her again... I HAVE to know* I thought.


When I got home I locked my room door so that I could secretly start packing things in my backpack to run away.

"Mistress (Y/N)? It's time to come down for dinner" one of our Butler's said knocking on my door.

I hid my backpack under my bed and answered "I'll be right there! Just give me a sec!" I answered the Butler

"Alright Mistress." the Butler said

As I got up I unlocked my door to go down stairs.

{I forgot to mention you live in a mansion too, sorry :0}

I got to the dinner table and began eating (F/F). After I was done eating I started stashing some snacks into my pocket so that I don't starve while I'm gone.

I ran upstairs into my room and locked my door again. I put all of my snacks in two of the pockets of my backpack. I then opened my window and started climbing down.

*hopefully I don't brake a bone... * I thought.

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Yeah, I know. I'm terrible at making fan fiction. But, can't say that I had fun imagining it lol.

My Adventure With You | Book 1 | Killua x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now