Chapter 6

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"Do you happen to be an assassin in the (L/N) family?" Killua asked whispering.

        I was a bit startled, because I was right. He did find out, well, most of it. I looked at him with a slight frown. Reminding myself all the lives that I killed. Families slaughtered. I always left the little ones to see if they all saw me the same way. A murderous monster...

"Used to be...that's why I ran away, I couldn't take it any more. I'll explain it more in detail later. Meet me after school by the cherry tree in the park." I whispered back.

        He just gave me a simple nod. I'm glad that he's at least a bit patient about it. I guess I'll trust him now to tell him my story.

~time skip after school~

        I headed towards the park by the cherry blossom tree. Mentally preparing myself...

Killua's POV

        I finally get to know what type of person (Y/N) is. I get to know what SHE'S been through. I was a bit impatient as to what she's going to tell me, I'm too eager to find out. Learning why she left her family is something that I've been wanting, no, aching to know.

        I made my way to the park where (Y/N) told me to meet after school. I then see non other than (Y/N) sitting there under the tree she mentioned. I smirk at her just to lighten up the mood, she then looks at me and smiles weakly. I don't blame her, I believe what she's about to say is very serious, she might need comforting and support, and as a friend, I'll do that. Maybe not just because I'm a friend, needless to say that I care about her too.


        I see Killua approach me and sit next to me under the cherry blossom tree.

"So....are we going to continue our conversation where we left off at?" He asks still with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah..." I started off "What I'm about to say is something that I forbid you to tell anyone, because I don't want to let them know I'm here..."

"Let who know you're here?" Killua asked.

I look down and stared at the grass for a while in silence...
"My family."

"Why don't you want them to know?"

"Let's just say that I'm not quite a fully fledged assassin. I don't like killing people and I tend to do it anyway because my parents force me to. I got so tired and lonely that I just....ran away, as you already know."

"That's it? You left because your parents forced you to kill even if you didn't want to?"

"There's more to it than just making it sound so simple..."

"Then tell me all the details." he says this as he hugs me.

        I'm taken aback but embrace the hug and hold onto him for a bit before letting go. I looked at his beautiful blue orbs and blushed.

"On my first day of a job being an assassin, I was sent to kill a family of four. A mother, a father, a little boy and girl. I completed the mission, but...when I got to the little girl, she mumbled something that I didn't want to hear for the rest of my life. 'Your a child like me, why are you killing people. You murderous monster....' was what she said. I was furious, yet, disappointed. Because I knew I was better than that. I then killed her because I knew that if I didn't, my parents would've went through the risks of keeping our identities a secret. I killed, and killed, and killed, and killed. All while doing the exact same thing all over again, waiting for the children to say those two words that I despise the most. I never wanted to be recognized as a murderous monster, I never wanted to be an assassin after my first experience. I started at such a young age, but I knew what I was doing. I then wanted to be recognized as a good person, the greatest person who didn't care about what she did in the past because she knew she regretted it. I then realized that I can use my identity as a chance to change my life, to make everything go in a different direction for once. Instead of it being in a loop over and over again. That's when I decided to run away. I ran away that night I met you, I also completed a mission before we met."

"You shouldn't care what other people think of you, whether you're good or bad it doesn't make a difference. We all make mistakes, things that we regret. Yes I understand that killing isn't as easy emotionally and mentally, but as an assassin, we were born to do it. We were trained to do it."

"Stop!" I said a bit furiously not keeping my emotions in check.

        As I said so, I saw Killua jump a bit, startled by my sudden reaction to his wording.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.." I was cut off.

"It's fine. I should've kept my mouth shut anyways, it wasn't right for me to just assume that you'll agree with me. Besides, I'm your friend, I should support you the best way I can."

"But you're right..."

        I looked into his eyes as he looked into my (E/C) eyes. It hurt me a bit emotionally him saying that we were friends, I don't know why. I don't know most emotions anymore, because after the whole 'being an assassin' thing, I couldn't remember some of the feelings. I mostly lived off of sadness, hatred, anger, stress, disappointment, and even if lucky enough, though rare, I'd sometimes be happy. Like how I was yesterday..

        As Killua and I got closer, I begin to blush a bit, and so did he. We just sat there, waiting for one of us to make the first move. Our lips barely touching each other giving a slight tingly sensation, and our eyes perfectly in sync.

"HEY GUYS!!!" a familiar voice shouts.

          The voice startled both Killua and I as we were on high alert. We saw the source of the familiar voice coming from non other than the happy, innocent looking Gon.


The longest chapter yet. With over 1K words.


(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

My Adventure With You | Book 1 | Killua x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora