Chapter 8

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We made it to the hotel and I started cooking dinner.

"You don't have to cook dinner, I don't want to cause you trouble." Killua said sincerely.

"No it's fine, I don't mind." I said in return.

"If you say so." he said shrugging his shoulders.

I began making dinner, and with the ingredients I bought from the market, I made (f/f). It reminded me of how mom used to make it when I was still at home and whenever she would give the butler's time off. Even if I really dislike my family for forcing me to do things, I still had to care. I was actually surprised I was able to finish it 'cause half way through it I was having the urge to just call the pizza guy. Luckily the food didn't taste half bad itself. As I finished, I noticed Killua was just casually laying on the couch waiting for dinner to be ready. He looked so cute relaxed. He looks cute doing everything, even if he is an assassin.

"Food's ready!" I called out.

"Alright I'm coming." Killua said standing up from the couch.

I was serving the (f/f), on plates for Killua and I. As I did so I headed over to a counter that surrounded the mini kitchen and sat down next to Killua.

" is it?" I asked for an opinion.

"It's not bad, why'd you ask?" Killua replied.

"Oh, it's just that I don't normally do the whole 'cooking on my own' thing and was on the urge to call the pizza man instead. Thanks for your statement, I appreciate it." I responded.

"Well I mean you did ask for my opinion. You could've asked for help if you were struggling that much. I happen to be experienced in cooking for a non-mentionable reason." He said quite assuring.

"Oh, well I'm not really that big on asking for help. I'm sorry." I said with an apologetic smile.

He looked at me confused for a bit.

"Don't be afraid to ask, okay?" Killua said.

"I'll try my best in times of need." I smiled softly.

"Good, that's all that matters." He reciprocated the smile.

We finished eating and had small talk here and there. I told him about my past, he told me about his. We got along fairly well.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come visit me at my place, b-but honestly you don't have to. I'm only asking." Killua said looking away blushing.

"I'd love to! I wouldn't mind. Plus I have absolutely nothing else to do." I said respectfully and excitedly.

"Great! Would Saturday be good?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I said assuring him it's okay.

We realized it was getting dark out, so Killua decided to go home. As he was walking out the door we said our goodbyes.

"See ya tomorrow (Y/N)!" Killua said ruffling my hair. I fixed my hair after the sudden action.

"Bye Killua." I smiled and gave him an unexpected hug.

The hug wasn't friendly, no, it was more of a I-Don't-want-you-to-leave hug. He hesitated for a moment before returning it, the exact same way. I wanted Killua to stay but at the same time, didn't want to sound selfish.

Killua's POV

(Y/N)'s hug was very unexpected. Yet I enjoyed it, I return the hug not wanting to let her go. I felt the need to be with her at all costs. To be by her side. The way I feel about (Y/N) is indescribable.

Before I knew it, during the hug I kissed her forehead. I was flushed at the action that I just pulled off and left the room without saying another word. At this point, I think it's safe to say that I LOVE (Y/N). She means everything to me. I can't imagine life without her. Time passed by as I got home. I was greeted by one of the Butler's as I came walking in.

"Where have you been?" Piggy said, also known as my brother Milluki.

"I was with a friend and tell mom that I won't be joining you guys for dinner. I already ate." I said.

"Ohh~ does Killua have a girlfriend?? You know how mom and dad will react if they find out. Especially mom." Piggy said.

I blushed slightly because he implied (Y/N), whom he doesn't know, is my girlfriend.

"NO! She's not my girlfriend and yes I know how they would react. She's just a friend." I said to make it clear.

*I want (y/n) to be more than just a friend though... I want to call her my own.*

"Fine then. When do we get to meet her?~" Piggy said teasingly.

"She's coming over Saturday, don't get any ideas while she's here." I said sternly.

"Yeah yeah. Hope she's hot." Piggy said mumbling the last part.

"What was that?" I asked as I glared at him menacingly.

"Oh nothing. Just me saying 'Yeah yeah' that's all." piggy said.


:p yeah, tell me how much I suck at doing this whole fan fiction thing. At least there was some lovey dovey things going on.

Bai!! o (><)

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