Chapter 22

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I was walking out of the room with Killua heading home. I was passed out until school was completely over.

"Ms. (L/N). May I have a word with you in my class. We need to discuss and assignment." Mr. Bresidious called out

*was it the assignment on the animals? Was he going to scold me for not finishing it? Did he get to Gon and Killua first? Why would he want to talk about an assignment?*

So many questions roaming in my head. Yet, no answers. At least, not yet there aren't. I turned my head and faced Mr. Bresidious only to nod.

"I'll meet up with you outside." Killua said

"Kay."I responded

Surely it was only an assignment. Right? Walking towards my homeroom class, I walked in only to feel a tremendous shock of pain on my head.

*what's going on?"

~le time skip~

Killua's POV

It's already been about an hour and (Y/N) still hasn't came back. I was getting worried.

*What's taking her so long?*

I went inside the school building and headed towards homeroom. Before I could even open the door, I heard talking. I began listening to the conversation.

"How much money do you think her mother's gonna pay?" one of the voices said

"Who knows. Maybe at least a million. C'mon we gotta get her back home. I am the one who's supposed to be there at the mansion than doing the dirty work for the (L/N)'s." another said

"That's what ya get for being stuck a Butler Bresidious. That's your fault. Don't you think it's a bad idea to talk behind their backs? I mean, they are assassins after all." The first on said

*Bresidious? What the hell. The (l/n)'s?? What are they doing with them? Where's (Y/N)?*

"Let's just go. No one's going to find out anyway." Bresidious said

I heard footsteps walking towards the door and opening it. I quickly hid and followed them to where they were headed.

*Why do they want (y/n)?.... I guess I'm gonna find out sooner or later.*

Walking out of the school building, the two men got in a convertible and left. I kept up with them with my 'Godspeed'. That is, until they finally arrived at a mansion.

*So this is where (y/n) lives?*

The two men headed towards the front gate of the mansion. Only that they didn't go through the gate. They went through the floor. I followed and ended in a place that had several shooting darts.

*she wasn't lying when she was talking about the darts.*

Watching the two men get through the darts, they made it on the other side. Me on the other hand, stayed behind trying to figure out what would happen if I got shot by one of the darts.

(Y/N) never told me what the darts would do to you other than hurting you. I guess I have to find out... I stood by the shooting darts, put my hand out and got struck by one. I tried to hold in the pain but it hurt because of the force the dart had against my hand. It didn't do anything other than hurt. Until, something dripped onto the floor. A liquid substance...

*Their poisoned... That's major damage other than the pain getting shot. Good thing I'm immune to it."

I took out the dirt that struck me from my hand and payed attention to the pattern the darts were going in to find out what exact time to use my Godspeed and get through. I memorized and went right on time. After getting through the 50 meter dart trap, there was a door in front of me. I opened it and it led me to the basement of the mansion. I saw tools on a table and some chains on the floor.

*This must take place as their torture room.*


I woke up in a room very similar to mine. I took a while taking a better look around my surroundings until I finally realized that it WAS my room.

*No. Nonononono. I ran away. Why am I here, what happened?*

I began to panic until my room door began to open. There, I saw my father peek in, with a smirk on his face.

"Your finally awake?~ about time. My little assassin shouldn't be out there in the world. Especially with another assassin. Our competition." he said making his voice more angrier when he gets to the last sentence

"You know very well why I left! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!! And how do you know about Killua?!" I yelled

"Simple. We have put our private Butler Bresidious to come and get you after these last couple of weeks. He's been keeping and eye on you. And when we found out about you being with one of the Zoldyck's, we decided that you had enough freedom." he said with a devilish smirk

"I'm not an assassin anymore. So leave me alone and out of the killing business. I'M DONE BEING THE USED HUMAN WEAPON TO KILL YOUR PREY!!!!" I explained.

When I tried to attack him, I was pulled back down onto my bed with chains around my wrists and ankles.

*Damn it. Their going to pay. Even if it means me having to kill again. Killing my parents that is.*

I'm so damn angry. After inhaling and exhaling for a bit, I broke the chains and got up. I ran towards the door and into the hallways. Until, my father grabbed me by the wrist and tugged me back towards him. He put me in a head lock to keep me still.

"You've become strong. I'm proud of you. But are you strong enough?" he questioned with the same smirk he had on the entire time

This is it. The moment where I finally get to use one of my new techniques. I started transmuting blue fire with my aura and burned my father. He hissed in pain and let me go while I ran away.

*I guessed the secret training payed off.*

A smirk creeped onto my lips. I was secretly training on my own to be able to transmute my blue flames. Now I'm a Conjurer, Manipulater, and Transmuter. My goal is to be able to be all of them. I got three down. Now three to go.


Conjurer, Manipulater, Transmuter, Specialist, Emitter and Enhancer. :P

Bai!! o (>‿<✿)

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