Chapter 9

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I did my usual routine and went off to school. Today's Thursday, which means only 2 more days until I get to go to Killua's place. I met up with Gon and Kurapika just like Yesterday in front of the hotel.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Gon asked to catch my attention.


"What were you and Killua doing under the cherry blossom tree? You guys seemed very close." Gon asked.

I became madly red once I thought about it. In all honesty it felt like I wasn't in control so I myself had no idea what I was doing with Killiua. At this point I think that my blush is 100% visible to both of them.

*Why Gon. Why? You just had to ask.*

"What is Gon talking about?" Kurapika asked.

"Well..." I started off. "Let's just say that it had something to do with me being a... runaway" I mumbled the last part.

"A what?" They both asked.

"A runaway..." I repeated.

It was silent for a while. Though Gon already knew, Kurapika was a bit startled.

"Why didn't you say that before?" Kurapika asked.

"I didn't think it would've been necessary for me to tell you." I responded.

"(Y/N) we're your friends. You can trust us." Kurapika assured.

It kinda made me feel at ease, relieved. Knowing I had people like Gon, Kurapika, and mostly Killua with me. I would say the same about Leorio but, we don't usually hang out. Plus I haven't seen him since yesterday. All these different emotions are surprisingly not overwhelming me. It feels great to feel like this.

"Thanks. You guys are the best." I say giving them a FRIENDLY hug.

{don't worry, they won't steal you away from Killu-kun, I promise}

We finally arrived at the entrance of the school. Second day of school and already, I have so much confidence.{Casual school drama :1 sorry} Walking upstairs to where my locker is I accidentally bump into someone. I fell back on my tush in a bit of pain. I stood back up only to see that the there was a girl in front of me along with four other girls by her. I stood back up to examine the girls carefully. Kill me if I'm mistaken but these girls seem to be popular, in a way... Their aura oozes with glamor and ego. The one I bumped into was wearing pink, and I mean a non-ending source of pink. Literally pink shoes, outfit, jewelry, and even her makeup. I looked up at the rest of the girls and they had some things in common other than the color. I just have to say it, these girls are definitely the most girliest girls I've ever seen. Not that I had any problem with girly girls, it's just that they seem to stand out more.

"Um may I ask who the heck you are?" The girl I bumped into asked.

{Imma refer to her as girly from now on}

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Who are you?" I asked in the same tone. Rudely obviously.

"I'm Charlotte Vixen. The club president of the Killua fangirl club." She said quite proud of herself.

I looked at her (-.-;)

*Since when did Killua have a fangirl club?*

"Interesting..." I said in response.

"Don't even think about joining, and don't get anywhere near my Killua or we're gonna have problems. Got that??!!" girly asked intensely.

"Um, let me think..." I paused "No thank you."

"Excuse me?!" girly said as if offended.

"You heard me. I actually enjoy being around Killua. If anything I think he does too." I reply

I mentally curse myself for saying what I just said.

"You're going to regret saying that." girly said quite furious.

I get a bit closer to her face and say "Try me."

She backed off and left me alone. *serves her right*

Killua's POV

I was on my way to my locker when I suddenly hear a familiar voice.

"Excuse me?!" The president of my fangirl club said.

I hid before any of them could see me and kept listening to the argument. I then realized that (Y/N) was the one talking to Charlotte.

"You heard me. I actually enjoy being around Killua. If anything, I think he does too." (Y/N) says confidently

I felt a slight blush on my cheeks. I honestly do enjoy being with her. Is it that obvious? What gave it away? I continued listening in on the argument.

"You're going to regret saying that." Charlotte said sternly.

I then see (Y/N) walk up to her face and say "Try me."

I was surprised that (Y/N) said that. I'm glad she said it 'cause they got what they deserved. After (Y/N)'s comment, Charlotte and her group left. I walked up to (Y/N) and greeted her a good morning. She returned the greeting with a smile. We walked together to our lockers and talked a bit in homeroom.

(Y/N) truly is an amazing girl...


Welp! That was that ^^
Hope you liked it

Bai!! o (><)

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