Chapter 32-Pessimistic Thoughts.

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I didn't leave any opportunity, I flipped to the receptionist. I tried to figured out who paid the operation.

I had been waited meekly. I rose up with an aspiration when the receptionist called me.

"Finally I'll get to know who has paid."

"I'm sorry ma'am, actually Doctor Umayd has took the file. Why don't you meet him?" Suggested the receptionist. I nodded, thinking it was a good idea.

I must talk to Umayd, I can't sit idle like this without doing anything, I had no money then when I had do effort to pay mom's operation then someone paid it. Who can paid mom's operation and for what purpose?

Therefore I reached to Umayd's cabin. As soon I was about to open the door, something came in my mind.

Lemme first I have to go to look dad at the police station, I don't know in what situation dad is passing through.

Oh Allah plz keep on helping me in every steps, I'm going to. I don't know what to do Allah. In the two sides there are problems and still I don't know which one to see first. I don't want to lose anyone of them... shhhh... control Tayba! You must stop crying! You must be brave.. take a long breathe.

I went to my mom. I queried for her health. I was elated seeing her health was improving.

"Did dad call?" Asked mom unquietly.

"Yes, I told him that you're busy in the kitchen. I had to lie otherwise-"I tried not to stutter.

"You did a great thing!"Said mom smiled coyly.

I did not do any great thing infact I did a bad thing by not telling you the truth. I don't know when you'll get to know the truth how are you going to react to me. Ya Allah please forgive me.

After talking to my mom, Fayzal uncle and I proceeded to the police station. I was waiting steadily to talk to my dad. My bad, they didn't let us talk to him. I could clearly scrutinise something fishy was occurring at the back.

As soon I came back to the clinic, I went to search for Umayd. I figured out he left to abroad. I tried to contact him, his number was unreachable.

I had been relentlessly, I looked for doctor Nivesh. He told me that no one had any idea about the payment.

"I'm sorry Miss Tayba- it's only doctor Umayd has all the information."Said he openly.

Candidly, I felt it was Umayd who had helped us. As long I was surrounded to him, he tried to console me. I would never forget his big favour. I made my mind that once I meet him, I would make sure to return all his money.

After two days, finally my mom has got discharged from the clinic. The doctor prescribed some medicines for my mom. Therefore I held mom's hand and led to the car.

Instantly when I reached home-I called my aunty to come over. I told her to take care of my mom until I wouldn't come back home. As I had to go to the police station, so I informed Rayha to accompany me.

Rayha was on her way, meantime I prayed and read the Quran. I tried not to cry, it made me tear up realising how worthless daughter was I. I couldn't save my dad.

Oh Allah, in my life I always want that my parents be well and today my dad lost everything! I know my dad didn't do anything wrong, I'm hundred percent sure, even if he would do it , he would surely told me, Allah please help my dad.

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