Chapter 57-My Wedding.

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After Muhammad and his parents left, some relatives were left,only my aunties, uncles, cousins and my grandma were still at my place.

All the cousins(girls) were decided to stay, they weren't sure if they would able to stay.

"Mrs Tayba Muhammad Musab is so tired." All cousins were started teasing me like hell.

"I'm not!"

"Obviously you are not! after seeing your baby Muhammad." Zeenat teased me. The engagement ceremony was not about to do,Muhammad's parents wanted us to do it because after one weeks there will be my wedding which will take place as Muhammad's mom was arguing to do the engagement ceremony and at last everyone agreed for it.

Everyone was busy on the kitchen,my aunties were preparing pickles. My cousins decided to stay at my place till the wedding. I was in my room, I was removing my bangles, my hijab and I was using two wipes to remove all my makeup. After that, I went to wash my face and did a hot shower. After showering,I wore my pyjama colored green. I was brushing my hair, I went to the bathroom,I did my wudhu, I wore a abaya and wear a light hijab and started making replacement of my salah magrib and esha. After praying,

Ya Allah, I'm so happy today,I'm glad Alhamdullilah for everything, thank you Allah for firstly making my dad fine, my mom and removing my sister's sadness and for getting me Muhammad. Today I got to know when we have patients in life beautiful things awaits us like today and only one thing left now my wedding....

I folded my prayer mat and put it on the couch,I removed my hijab and abaya. All my cousins and Hayat were downstairs as they were asked to help. I was about to help mom. Mom argued to me not to help her, she told me to take rest. I insisted to her but still she won, I had to listen to her.

I went towards my bed and see the three bags which Muhammad gave me,I took the bouquet of flowers and keep looking at me. Did I say? That I yearn for flowers? In that case yes I do! Flowers actually bring me happiness and make me smile for nothing.

I decided to see what in the three bags, there I saw a very beautiful long dress colored green and have beautiful pearl in it and the tissue of the dress have embroidery flowers. In the next bag I found a big makeup kit and a beautiful hijab colored red and in the another bag I saw a big letter with cute smileys.


To my beloved...Since I met you,my world became more beautiful it's because you filled my world so beautiful,I always wanted to propose you but I did not because I did not want to have a haram relationship with you, I wanted to have a Halal Relationship with you because Halal is more beautiful,before I turn to you, I turn to my rab first and then turn to you, you are the right girl which will complete half of my deen till jannah...still having patient the day we will come united.. I promise you,I will keep you so happy. I hope you love the gifts.

There so many things I want to say to you, but at the right time. I hope this message you read make you smile :)
I wish I can see you smile but I will see soon the day we unite in sha Allah" :)

                  From your future husband
                                   In sha Allah.

After closing the letter, Hayat snatched the letter from me.

"Hayat! Give this to me."

"No way." Said Hayat laughing.

"Stop acting childishly, give it." Said I pointing my finger to the letter.

"Why? Are you getting shy?" Said Hayat.

"N-no why?"

"Because someone is smiling for nothing." Said Hayat laughing.

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