Chapter 45-Lost Hope.

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(Hayat's pov)*

It been more than three hours, we were waiting when the doctors or the nurses to come out from the operation's room to ask if Tayba was fine. But unfortunately, no one came. Mom was in reflection, since three hours, she was kept thinking. I tried to talk to her but still there was no interaction from her. She was just all silent and tears were falling. I kept sweeping her tears. I was so afraid if I loose Tayba.

I did not want to loose my sister. Mom and I went in Umayd's cabin and asked him for the prayer mat and he gave me, since I had already had my wudhu (ablution) I started praying and kept reading my surah mulk. After that mom did her salah (prayer) I was so tensed. I was kept remembering what Tayba said to mom while leaving going to the operation's room. I even remember what she said to dad in the ICU's room. Whatever she said to dad, I was so heart broken. If my sister go? How will I live?

It was all my fault, I should not go to London, I could study here. Since I went to London, everything changed here. So much happened in my absence.

My tears were falling so hard. If my sister leave me, I will die too with time by suffering. There will be no joy without her. Life will be so sad. After that mom and I went near to the operation's room and sat on the bench.

I can't lose-lose-my-my sister! Ya Allah, it's only you who can sets everything fine. Please Allah help my sister. I need her. Don't make my mom, dad and me suffer. It's only you Allah which can sets everything fine. Ya Allah help us. Except you there is no one who can help us. Please Allah sets my sister fine.

Mom and I were sat on the bench kept waiting the doctor. Muhammad was nowhere to be seen. After a while, I saw-

I saw Muhammad in a long distance and I saw a woman and two girls and one of the girls was long as if same age of me and one was like a teenager and she was talking to Muhammad. As if I ever saw this little girl.

My mind was asking me question when I saw this little girl? Even Muhammad, I ever saw him but I was not remembering exactly where I actually saw him.

I was not paying too much attention to all of these because all my thinking was on Tayba.

If Tayba die? How will I live? What will happen? Who will I share loads of secrets about what happened in London with me. Who will scold me? Who will protect me? Who will play with me? Who will do salah (prayer) with me? Who will read Quran(the holy book) with me?Who will cook with me? Who will do my makeup? Who will always make me laugh? Who will wake me up for doing salah fajr? Who will love me the way she loves me? Who will support me like she does?If she go! Our home will always be sad. There will be no joy anywhere. We can never be happy without Tayba. I don't want Tayba to go. Ya Allah please don't do this to me. Don't snatch Tayba! I will keep suffering. I wish it's me have this problem of heart but not to my sister. I can't live without my sister. My sister is my everything. She is my love, my mom, my sister, my everything.

Remembering that day when I got my eighteenth birthday, at midnight Tayba was the one who wished me. She was the one who made me do salah sujood and even prayed salah fajr as always together. We asked doah together to always keep each other happy, healthy and smile. Remembering that day she bought me so much gifts and she said that always she will be there with me, she even promised. And today Tayba! You are breaking up the promise? You are going away from me?

There will be anymore a  smile from me now. If Tayba go! I will go too. Ya Allah make me too fall sick then I can go with my sister together. If my sister destined to happen all these of her then me too I destined to happen also these to me.

The two girls which I recently saw, one of it came near to me, the girl which came to me, she was long, she was not wearing hijab, she wore a blouse colored purple and a slim jeans colored black. Her hair was straight. She was beautiful.

"Hi!oops! I meant Asalamualaykum,are you Tayba's sister?" Asked the girl nicely.

"Walaykumsalam, yes." Said I silently.

"I'm Tayba's close friend, Nairah! don't worry everything going to be fine."Said the girl giving me a nice hug.

She was trying to calm her tears. She was too feeling sad. Rayha was also here, she was sitting on another bench with her husband. She was worrying too. I did not have the guts to give anyone of them support when I'm already in a very difficult  situation when I did not know how to handle it. My sister taught me everything except living without her.

"Ray! Don't stress! Tayba is going to be fine." Said Rayha's husband to her.

"Aftab! It's all my fault, I sometimes used to see Tayba feel dizzy, whenever I asked her that why she get dizzy, she told me that she did not ate anything, I believed her in that way, I was so wrong, I did not for a second think about it if she is ill when she all by herself doesn't know she is ill-" said Rayha crying.

Aftab consoled her but still Rayha was not being okay.

Everyone was saying it was their faults that whatever happened were due to them that's why Tayba fell sick. Even dad was still doing his third sessions for the operation. The doctor said it's going to be three months dad will do the treatment. Between Tayba and dad, none of them were fine. They two were suffering.

After one and a half hour, we heard the doctors were screaming loudly. They were shouting in a scaring way. Everyone heard it. Muhammad quickly came and tried to open the door of the operation's room. Still they were not opening. I could see how Muhammad was worried.

My heart started feeling scared, I started panick the way the doctors were shouting. Something wrong must happened inside the way the doctors were shouting. I was feeling so scared if something wrong happen to Tayba.

If Tayba's operation don't be successful? What will happen to me? I swear I will die with sufferance. Are the doctors shouting because Tayba's heart is not responding? Ya Allah please don't do this to us. Allah it's only you can set my sister fine. Please Allah. Don't snatch my sister.

Everything is snatching from me, first my dad who still in coma and now my sister who may meet death. There is no one who can understands my family in which I'm passing through, it's only Allah can understands us and help us,Allah the only one who can do everything.

Nothing could be done. There were only two options left were first either Tayba alive or die.  Everything left to Allah. We said money can do anything but there are some things which money can't buy such as if a person is destined to die, this person will die because it written by Allah and in that case money can't do anything. But in my sister's case, we still did not know what will happen to her. We were so afraid. We were burning with fear. We had hope for a some moment that everything was going to be fine but that hope lost since the doctors started shouting in a very scary way.

I was kept having bad thoughts, in some certain case, I became like Tayba,I kept overthinking. Till the doctors did not come outside, I was having bad thoughts.

While I was about to turn to mom to talk to her, suddenly the operation's light above became green. In some certain ways, I got relieved a bit but my thoughts were kept haunting me.

Before I made a single path, Muhammad and mom quickly stood infront of the operation's room. The other rest of people also came and joined too.

What will happen now?

The nurses and the doctors came out. One of the doctors came to talk to us. His face had no expression which can't say anything. I was afraid. The nurses's faces were sweating a lot.The doctor began to talk.

"I'm sorry-

Asalamualaykum, hello, bonjour to all to my AMAZING readers who are so WONDERFUL perhaps a bit too much more. So, how did you find this chappy? Please vote and comment. A BIG thanks to those who are voting and commenting, the best support which I'm having.⚘🌸

What will happen now?

●Two options left:

(1)Tayba is going to be alive?🌸
(2)Tayba is going to be die?🌸

Let's see which option had decided for her.

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