Chapter 40-Forgive me.

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(Muhammad's Pov)

It was the dead of night at ten-thirty. I was heading to the escape door, at the very split moment someone clasped my shoulder and it was my mother.

I didn't want her to be aware of what was happening. Subsequently, she inquired where was I rushing to. I informed her that I was going to meet Aftab.

"It's crucial, I'll try to come home fast," I reassured her. At the same minute, dad came in between and asked what was the matter for.

"I don't know yet. I'll let you know." I lied, I made sure they would not get to discern the verity. Accordingly, I dashed outside.

The moment I appeared into the garage, I crossed-check if the equipment was in the car. I ensured no one was stalking me. It was the first time, I was doing an arduous task. I knew it after knowing what I did she would detest me more and more. Neither would I have the last opportunity to say her that-

Afterwards, I get in the car and started the engine rapidly.

I'm on my way, sorry Tayba I have no option. I must help someone whose honest. Once you get to know what I'm up to, I know you'll hate me twice and for that, I already think about what should I do. I just want you to be happy but in a righteous way. I wish I -

May Allah gives me strength.

(Tayba's pov)

"I feel some erroneous stuff will happen." I felt exhausted and petrified. My life was turning tangled. I was way horrified for the moment when mom and Hayat would get to know the truth about dad. I felt guilty about everything. I was overwhelmed with the whole situation.

"No matter what, your mother will get to know the truth sooner or later, you better narrate her everything. She'll be in a terrible situation if she finds out by someone else." Rayha uplifted me with her words for the better.

"You're right, yet I'm scared- no matter what when she'll get to know the reality, she'll be shattered and I don't want to see my mom broken neither do I want her to lose her trust over dad." I was on the verge of tears.

"Be patience Tayba, Allah will always help us."Said Rayha.

"In Sha Allah," I said overwhelmingly.


"Tay! You need to hear one more thing. It was Muhammad who brought you to the clinic, not your dad. I saw him weeping for you, he pleaded with the doctors to operate on you immediately. Verily Allah has boosted Muhammad's heart to help you. You're so blessed, no one is lucky to that extent, so go forward and ask him forgiveness." Rayha advised me.

"He's always ready to help you," Rayha said seriously.

"I don't think he will give me any chance to talk to him, today I saw him and he completely ignored me, I can feel he has gone away from me," I said gloomily.

"He will talk to you, time heals everything." Rayha confronted me.

Thus, Rayha found it essential to narrate to me how she found out my dad was wrong. She told me that my dad confessed the truth at the court when I wasn't present there. And my dad challenged to ruin Muhammad.

(Muhammad's Pov)

Eventually, I reached my wanted destination. I carried out the equipment with me. I constantly walked and I finally met her-

"Don't cry aunty please." I tried to pacify her.
It was one of the abhorrent things noticing her husband betrayed everyone. I wondered how Tayba would react when she would get to know the truth.

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