Hello...Its Me

858 201 105

I'm sure you're wondering after all this time what happened to me... lol

Well there has been a lot of stuff going on lately, things have been really hectic/blah/horrible and I haven't been feeling 100% myself.

I guess most people don't read my posts/aren't following me because a ton of people have been messaging me about updating. I guess they didn't see that my grandma has passed away and I've just been in a really bad place because of it.

On top of it I had a procedure done on Monday (forty needles 😞) and am still trying to recover (lots of being stuck in bed!)

I do appreciate though the people who actually took the time to check on me and make sure I was still alive. Those of you who reached out to me are awesome, and it's nice to know who your friends and supporters are.

Since I haven't been on Wattpad in awhile,  there are a bazillion notifications that I'm not sure I'll be able to catch up on but I'll try my best. If I'm not able to reply to you, don't take it personally!

As for updating, I kind of lost my spark and motivation. I haven't touched my computer since Ramadan. I do miss writing though so we will see if I am able to write anything in the up coming weeks.

Other than that I would appreciate your continued patience and support and I hope all of you are doing well.

P.S. Please add this book to your library and/or follow me to make sure you get my updates.


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