I'm Just A Short Little Girl Part 2

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Salaam everyone :)

So I wanted to clarify something from my post yesterday!!

I was not angry at the man. What upset me was the genuine fear the man had towards me. Perhaps it stemmed from ignorance, media, influence of third party stories, whatever the case may be, the possibilities could be endless, but something made this man fear Muslims so badly, that a guy who was six feet tall, was terrified of a five foot three me who often gets made fun of because of her high voice and her ability to get hurt even when she's laying perfectly still in bed lol

He wasn't rude to me, at least not on a level that the other people in my previous stories have been. He was genuinely scared of me, and it made me sad and frustrated to think that whatever encounter or influence he had faced had causes such a fear to be instilled in him.

I hope In Shaa Allah that perhaps my kindness to him will soften his heart and ease his mind a bit, and that if he comes into contact with any other Muslims in the future, that they will only serve to do the same, and that perhaps Allah swt will guide him.

Also side note on this blessed day of Jumuah, can I request a Du'aa from y'all for me and my best friend? That Allah swt makes everything easy on us, and that we get to be together soon 💙

And don't forget all of our brothers and sisters around the world, whatever their situation may be.

JazakumallahuKhairan ^_^

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang