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Salaam everyone!

Hope all of you are doing well :)

I just thought I would share something with you all that I've been thinking about long and hard.

Lately, I have been getting a lot of 'hate' messages if you will, along the lines of people telling me that nobody remembers me and my works anymore. That I have been 'forgotten' and nobody wants to read my stuff, and nobody likes me, etc....

And I'm telling you this for a reason so bear with me :)

'Now so and so writer is more popular than you,' they say, 'All of your readers are going to so and so now, doesn't that make you feel bad?'

Good for them! Why should that upset me that they're getting more reads? I was once an unknown author with no one to support me but my best friend, and some of the 'popular' authors were horrible to me when I started to get more recognition. Why would I do that to someone else?

I have never understood why we as authors on here seem like we have to compete and knock each other down instead of supporting and lifting each other up. There is plenty of room in the world for all kinds of books, it shouldn't be an either or situation.

'Don't you realize how much your reads and comments and votes have dropped? And this all happened because you keep taking breaks and not updating regularly.'

Of course I have realized that. It would be impossible not to have realized.

But I've realized something else too.

I had to and still do sometimes need to take a break from Wattpad because of all of the things that are going on in my life, and for those of you that pay attention to my posts, I don't need to recount some of the things that have been going on. I used to upload up to three chapters a day sometimes. But I can't do that anymore. There are things that take precedence over Wattpad.

And other people on here that used to read and comment and vote on my stories regularly but have suddenly disappeared? They have other things that are more important than Wattpad too. It happens.

It's called life.

So maybe you don't see the people who used to be around, as active as before, if at all. And maybe the people that you talk to on here don't read my stories for whatever reason. Maybe they haven't had a chance to start them, or they've never heard of them, or it's not their cup of tea, or they're too long, or they don't like Shareefo, whatever the case may be.

But that doesn't for one single minute mean that I don't have supporters and friends on here who check on me, who message and email and post and comment when they can.

My works may not be at number 1 anymore, but I'm okay with that, because I'm a different person than I was when I first joined Wattpad, and priorities change. And posting on here can not be my top priority anymore.

And that's okay too :)

Don't worry, I still love love love writing, and I still love shocking you all with my twists and cliffhangers. I love writing wonderful characters, intricate storylines, swoon worthy male leads, evil and mysterious villains and 'villains'. I love reading your awesome comments, and In Shaa Allah one day I hope to, and I'm trying to work towards publishing.

But sometimes things change, and all you can do is adjust.

It's called life.

#StayAwesome <3

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang