Um....Thats My Car....

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So I was coming out of the store, and this family was in front of me. So I tried to get around them but they were taking up allllll the space, so whatever I just decided to wait until they went to their car.

Well, they were walking in the same direction I was. Then they walked to the same car space I was. And I thought okay maybe they parked next to me.

Then I see them trying to open MY car... and I'm like uhhhh...

So I go forward intent on saying 'hey that's MY car!'

And the Dad is like 'darn key fob! The battery must be dead!'

And the Mom is like 'are you hitting the right button?!'

'Of course I am!'

And the little kid goes 'I wanna go in the carrrrrr I'm coldddd'

'Just a minute!'

So then I go 'I erm excuse me? That's my car ...'

They all pause, look at me, look back at the car, then the Dad goes 'well the Hello Kitty sticker should have tipped me off' xD

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now